Garmin GPS

I have a Garmin 450 and it rocks!! The one you show is for golfers, but basically the same format. I have downloaded Landowner/BLM/State/federal maps and even elk migration routes for free from: GPSFileDepot - Garmin Compatible Custom Maps. Montana Landowner Topo V3. UPDATED 01/22/2010 Garmin Compatible Map - GPSFileDepot

Just pick the state you want and download!

I would shop around for a better price than the site you picked. Here are a few that I have used: Garmin Oregon 450 Handheld GPS Navigator: Electronics

Garmin Approach G5

Garmin Approach Golf GPS Best Prices!!

Universal mania has the oregon 550 for $411, that is a steal if you want a camera on your gps. Garmin Oregon 550 Worldwide Handheld GPS - Universal Mania Inc.
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buttons are better

I'll second that motion. My b-in-law bought an Oregon. I thought it was the coolest thing since shirt pockets. Until I tried to navegate with it. The battery life is terrible. The touch screen isn't accurate to the touch. You have to actually touch it a little under the icon/image you want to touch. When I'm 6 miles from camp elk hunting, the last thing I want to do is re-do everything because of cold fingers or a finicky touch screen. I bought a Garmin GPS Map 62S instead and spent the whole week in the mountains on the first set of batteries. He changed at least once that I know of. I can opperate the buttons on the 62 with one hand and it's positive. No oops I missed,lets try that again.
I've read a lot of good comments regarding the Garmin 62S...good battery life....buttons vs Touch screen...not losing signal under canopy...etc.

Is the 62S a current model or is there a newer version. I was at Cabelas a few days back and the person there made it sound like it was older so they did not carry them??
I have the 62st best one I have to date I have built custom map sets for mine put them all on a 8 gig micro sd card even put city navigator on it. Thats what I really like about it auto navigate also just like the ones you use in a automobile. Best price today search Amazon.:D
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