
Are any of you physically active...go to a gym...sauna...flush your system...heat the body up to sweat mode.....
get your lungs working..get the muscles working......get active...
I've been isolating with Covid for 5 days now. I went to visit a relative in an assisted living facility with my mask 😷 and got nailed. My wife has tested negative but she has the flu bad!
Hopefully we will have our Christmas celebration New Year's Day.
Yeah, it is funny (suspicious). My wife brought the "flu" home and gave it to me, so we both had it a few weeks ago. Many in her workplace got sick... half tested for Covid and half for flu. Figure that one out!
They all work in close proximity (office) to each other.

She got the flu shot, I did not. She was pretty sick for a couple weeks. I had body aches and a few sniffles for four days.
I usually walk a couple miles a day and the dog goes with me. It's in a mountain setting, so it's uphill and down. Will admit that in this weather I'm not trying to work up a sweat. Do some crunches and lift some lighter weights for about 20 minutes every morning right after my first cup of coffee and the dog watches. Here again I don't work up a sweat. I know I should be doing much more.
I had the over 65 flu shot in Sept so wonder how much worse it could have been? Or maybe did nothing? Flu vaccinations are crap shoot for strain that season.

I'm told that the flu shots were developed to prevent flu virus "A". They are developed a year in advance and researchers must predict which strain will be the prevalent one. Fortunately, strain "A" is the prevalent flu virus, but it isn't the only flu virus circulating.

Combating the annual flu is definitely a "crap shoot".
My brother and sister got Covid and then they both got the flu a few weeks later. Both said the flu was much worse and lasted longer. Interestingly enough, they haven't seen each other for months.

I got the flu shot in Sept so I'm hoping that will put the odds in my favor.
Varmit Hunter - the flu shot is a gamble if it hits the exact flu that is circulating this season rather it is made of attenuated virus skeletons like what you may encounter of similar groups you are likely to come in contact with (I have heard Avian Flu is surging this winter). What the shot does do is kick start your built in immune system, especially building more 'T' cells - the building blocks for the rest of your immune system.
Want to increase chances you won't get sick? Wash hands and nose/sinus, don't touch eyes,nose or mouth without first washing hands, eat a large amount of garlic - it keeps other people at their distance.
Any of the above will help you avoid a virus, BUT still is no guarantee.

Sad story, a long time recluse in the Adirondaks came out for a publicity book event. He caught something and died. Probably had low immune system activity because of not coming in contact with others (my guess) A small exposure on a regular basis helps your body to keep the immune system on high alert. That is why small exposure of babies to 'things' is good to help their immune system develop. Here is a good article how immunity is developed - continues in a similar way for adults. Without colostrum the baby would be very vulnerable to all kinds of sickness.

There are thousands of viruses out there and things like 747's give them a free ride from the jungles of Borneo to the streets of your town.

Sorry to carry on so long, just hoping everyone stays well. Jim
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Had the crap for 3.5 days spent about 30 hours straight in bed. That was 2-3 weeks ago and just now getting over the cough. Went to the doctor and they said it was the flu. It's probably the worst flu I had.