Couple of varmints harassing poultry succumb to 15 grains of WSM.


Well-Known Member
Dec 1, 2019
Entry virtually impossible to find,no exit ,but something happened.Easy 80 yard shots.
This is so true. We have chickens and rabbits that free range and it seems like there is often something around after them.

Thankfully the dog keeps most of it at bay. View attachment 201545
I have chickens and guineas and turkeys although the turkeys are in the freezer now and they are free range so yes I have a problem with hawks Coons Possums foxes . coyotes Are on the property occasionally but not inside My yard fence
My first black lab was a great opossum/coon dog. Every one that stepped in the yard, died quickly. Often times I'd be outside when he was terminating one. I could always hear the skull crushing in his jaws. That sound I'll always remember. Opossums never played dead, they were dead.
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