Colorado Is Going NUTZ - Anti Gun Legislation


Well-Known Member
Oct 24, 2007
South Central, CO
Over the past few weeks, Colorado has gone hard left, as in California left, with its various anti-2A legislation.

Bans on numerous semi-auto long guns and pistols.
Required liability insurance if you own/keep firearms in your home.
Security requirements to keep a firearm in you auto.
Storage requirements for firearms in you home.
Additional training requirements for CCW applicants.

I think it is only a matter of time before non lead bullets are required for hunting, and we already have a 15 round magazine limit in place.

If this continues, I am considering moving from this state, but my wife is a true blue (not left) Colorado native and refuses to leave.
It's sad to hear, but I'm of the pessimistic mindset that this and the other progressive paths are where everyone is headed. Some states may be headed there slower, but they're all headed there.

Our culture/society has become so advanced, that they've gone dumb. I'm sure there's a scientific study somewhere that can prove my theory 😂 😢
It's sad to hear, but I'm of the pessimistic mindset that this and the other progressive paths are where everyone is headed. Some states may be headed there slower, but they're all headed there.

Our culture/society has become so advanced, that they've gone dumb. I'm sure there's a scientific study somewhere that can prove my theory 😂 😢
You should apply for a $1,000,000 grant, so you can do the study yourself. If you don't UCLA, Stanford or Berkley will.
Gday del2les
Over the past few weeks, Colorado has gone hard left, as in California left, with its various anti-2A legislation.

Bans on numerous semi-auto long guns and pistols.
Required liability insurance if you own/keep firearms in your home.
Security requirements to keep a firearm in you auto.
Storage requirements for firearms in you home.
Additional training requirements for CCW applicants.

I think it is only a matter of time before non lead bullets are required for hunting, and we already have a 15 round magazine limit in place.

If this continues, I am considering moving from this state, but my wife is a true blue (not left) Colorado native and refuses to leave.
I live in probably the 2nd worst state in Aussie with gun laws for which we are finally having a turn around in numbers of shooters gaining not falling & finally even getting some traction on public views in some of the most dogged green people out there although some are beyond help or even worth showing

None of that helps you I know & not really applicable just wanted to put out that keep fighting for your rights band together no matter what or whom ( yes pistol , shotgun rifle , short & longrange shooters lead and non lead users etc etc ) as it's a long way back since we were screwed over & I highly doubt we will ever get it fully back & im in a lucky position due to my occupation & properties that overall I'm gaining more ea year but it's all permits & extremely time consuming to keep up with

keep fighting it & band together is all I know & sure you lot are but definitely a hard road when the numbers are probably against you I assume 😥

Yep I'm no real help just know I'm rooting for you lot from down under
I've lived in Colofornia since 1976. It has become a sad place for conservative outdoorsmen. I believe the ultimate goal is to eliminate hunting all together. If I could move out, I would in a heart beat! Sadly I have to get the granddaughter through one more year of highschool then off to trade school. Maybe at that time I could get out of here. Sadly my honey will never leave I don't think. She needs to stay close to our ill daughter. Not that we can do anything about it. Doctors have all failed outside of taking our money.
I've lived in Colofornia since 1976. It has become a sad place for conservative outdoorsmen. I believe the ultimate goal is to eliminate hunting all together. If I could move out, I would in a heart beat! Sadly I have to get the granddaughter through one more year of highschool then off to trade school. Maybe at that time I could get out of here. Sadly my honey will never leave I don't think. She needs to stay close to our ill daughter. Not that we can do anything about it. Doctors have all failed outside of taking our money.
Prayers for your family and hopefully your granddaughter won't take the bait in school and get bit by the leftist indoctrination bug.
Yes they did. But the problem is that if the anti hunting lobby wins in Colorado it won't stop in Colorado. It's sets the ball rolling in other states banning bear or cougar hunting. Kinda like saying that I don't care about them banning black semiautomatic weapons I only hunt with a sxs shotgun. Until one day they come out and say Mr and Miss America turn in all your guns.
Lived in Colorado for 15 years and finally got burned out with the current direction and moved to Alabama in 2022. So glad we did. I still travel back for business regularly and seems like it's continuing to spiral down.

I find it so interesting with even the subtle things. My daughter is in first grade and just this week they were learning about patriotism. I can't imagine that's on a curriculum anywhere in CO these days outside of the western slope.
During the Clinton administration, many firearms were no longer available under his Assault Rifle Ban. Ten years later, when it expired, it was not voted into permanent law. This was a nationwide law. The bumpstock ban under the Trump administration is a nationwide law. It does not effect me directly, as I have no desire to own one. I would not ever entertain the idea of moving out of the United States due to these laws. I wrote letters and e-mails to my congress person and senators and extended my NRA membership as well as joining other hunting and anti-gun fighting organizations. I live in a very red state where my Congress woman and Senators will vote against gun control. I am trying not to make this political, and if I crossed the line, tell me. I will delete this post. I just want to say never give up the fight. Our shooting brothers in California, Colorado and Washington deserve the same shooting rights as we do in Wyoming. Never give up the fight for hunting, fishing rights. I will step down off of my soap box now before I get light headed from the elevation. Red
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