Cat owners vs dog owners.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2019
Saskatchewan, Canada
I own both….and it's true! 🤣

Cats always seem like they`re doing you a favor to live with you.
The day a cat almost sh!ts herself every day when I get home from work because she's so happy to see me, or hobbles her 14 year old arthritic arse into the living room on a cold winter morning so she can sit at my feet is the day I'll consider owning one.
I`ve always felt that God gave man the dog so that he could see what pure, unadulterated love looks like.
I saw one the other day, a cartoon drawing showing a dog, a fish, a bird, and a cat, all with those little "thought bubbles" to show what was going through their mind.

The fish is looking at the bird thinking "I wish I could fly like him"

The bird is looking at the dog thinking "I wish I was strong like him"

The dog is looking at the cat, perched on a rooftop, thinking "I wish I could go wherever I wished without a care in the world like him"

The cat is looking down on the world and thinking "I am perfect"

The day a cat almost sh!ts herself every day when I get home from work because she's so happy to see me, or hobbles her 14 year old arthritic arse into the living room on a cold winter morning so she can sit at my feet is the day I'll consider owning one.
I like having both cats and dogs…the dogs are loyal and loving and don't hold a candle to the cats for pest control, even living in town here, where I live is sandy and no matter what I do all summer I've got ANTS getting into my house everywhere.

My cats actively kill and eat the ants to their own amusement. Maybe they're part aardvark….

Also the bigger one, his name is Steve, really is a loving animal. I joke that he's the weirdest looking puppy ever but he's weirdly needy and affectionate and does get excited to see me haha. He's also not so bright….🤣
I'm going to get me a six pack of outdoor cats the local shelter calls the "working cat" program. There is nothing more effective at rodent control at my house. My neighbors 2 cats work hard but they are not outside enough.
Mouse traps just don't work.
I love dogs though! Buy they don't catch and mangle mice and roof rats however. Not a problem with a cat.
I'm going to get me a six pack of outdoor cats the local shelter calls the "working cat" program. There is nothing more effective at rodent control at my house. My neighbors 2 cats work hard but they are not outside enough.
Mouse traps just don't work.
I love dogs though! Buy they don't catch and mangle mice and roof rats however. Not a problem with a cat.
Yes, rodent control is a plus to owning a cat. It`s just too bad the toll they take on song birds.