Cases sticking in resizer die


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2010
East River SD
I am attemping to resize 300 RUM cases with a single stage press using RCBS FL dies.

The cases: Are remington factory rounds I have shot through my rifle. They have trumbled, mouths scrubbed.

I lube the cases with a Dillon spray lube. But when the sizer die is set to actually resize the entire length versus the first half of the neck the case gets stuck.

I tried more lube or a little less lube....

I thought it might be the die so I went and got the RCBS X-Die... same issue.

What the heck did I not do or what else could be wrong?
I'd tell you to check the die and polish it if needed it but it sounds like a lube issue.

Buy some Imperial sizing wax and try that.

The spray lubes do need to dry first before resizing.
+1 most spray lube, require drying time. Wet lube will glue your case so to speak.

I wouldn't use spray for anything bigger in case size than 308win. Especially wouldn't use it on '06 family. Maybe neck sizing.
It's a lube problem. STP sure works but, Lordy, what a sticky mess.

If you have some Kiwi shoe wax, rub a thin coat on the entire case, especially down around the head (the Neutral/Clear wax is best to use because it doesn't stain your fingers!); it will do you a fine job.

With spray-on case lubes, it's critical to (1) shake it up good to mix the ingrediants and (2) keep shaking as you apply it and then (3) allow the carrier to completely evaporate before sizing.

(Thank you for your service, from an old blue suiter. I have a Marine grandson-in-law in route home from Afganistan today. Unhurt, by the grace of God.)
THANKS!!! For all the advice guys. I'll give the STP a try this week end and see how she goes.

Upu are welcome boomtube it has been my pleasure. Awesome to hear your young Marine is headed back safe!!! You got it right... from the grace of God!
Just why I don't use spray lubes any longer. I stuck one case and threw it away. Now I use Imperial or Hornady Unique.
I've never had a problem using Hornady one shot spray . the biggest case I have is 300wby . when pushing the case in if it starts to feel overly tight I back out and go in again . Jim
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