bubble level + reticle/rifle cant


Well-Known Member
Jul 20, 2022
San Diego
Took a break from glassing midday yesterday and did some dry fires to pass the time. I was on a steep angle looking down dry firing to a rock about 500 yards away. I had to really cant my reticle to get the bubble level. I checked my scope when I got home and it was level. Does this seem right??

to illustrate the angle of the angle of the ground I was lying on, If I were to lay a board on the ground, the left side of the board would have had air under it.

Heres a picture of what I was seeing
I would guess your head was tilted due to the position you were in and that's why the reticle looked tilted.
Actually I've had the same problem when looking at an angle hillside, in fact I made a bad shot at 580yds as a result of not checking my level.
It all ended well, was able to finish the job, but it was a mistake that I won't make again!!

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