Beyond Belief new video



anyone get the new Beyond Belief how to video?
is it worth the $
Many of all ready know how too shoot longrange but just wondering if it has any good tips for LR hunting?
I ordered them both at the same time and here is the damage,

Item Name: How to Shoot Beyond Belief
Item Number: htsbb
Quantity: 1
Total: $94.99 USD

Item Name: Beyond Belief
Item Number: lrsfh1
Quantity: 1
Total: $24.99 USD

Cart Subtotal: $119.98 USD
Handling: $4.99 USD
Sales Tax: $0.00 USD
Cart Total: $124.97 USD

It isn't as bad as it seems as it is an early Christmas present from my daughter. So I get to watch them for free and she and the grandkid will most likly end up with them. LOL
95.00 bucks ****!!!!!!

I am gonna have to hear some GREAT reviews on that thing before I can dish out that much cash.

I would rather use that for another deposit on a Allen Mag /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/grin.gif
Well from what I got when I talked to the fellow, the second set covers everything from the basic picking out a rifle, to packing out your game on mules. If your just wanting the hunting just get the first one. The second is more of an in depth how-to on putting it all together for a successful back country once in a lifetime hunt. This is what it entails,

3 DVDs 10 hours
Topics Covered:
· Maximizing the Factory Rifle
· Reloading
· Developing Accurate Drop Data
· Uphill and Downhill Shooting
· Testing Terminal Bullet Performance
· Wind Drift
· Exterior Ballistics
· Minute of Angle
· Field Shooting Positions
· Optics
· Rangefinders
· Backpacks and Gear Bags
· Hunting Saddle Setup

Will it be worth the price, for some yes, for others probably not. Personally, I tend to try to get all of the info I can on something I am digging into. Since I also have a daughter and grandson who will be learing from this as well, without me sitting right there beside them all of the time, it might help them as well. I will definately let you know if it's any count when they arrive.
Got my copy of both sets of dvds on friday.The instructional set with the 3 dvds is so far very basic stuff aimed at a complete novice(part way through second dvd)would be able to cut it down quite a bit if he did'nt keep repeating himself.hopefully will get more advanced as dvd's go on.Good value for a novice but a bit too basic for anyone else!!
Which is why I keep watching the promo mpeg only! I was thinking of buying but won't now, anyway you can learn all you need here - vast pool of experience /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif
Well Marty, I meant to get back here and post up, but you beat me to it. I agree, that most of it is geared for the novice shooter or once a year hunter. From what I have seen and read here, there are very few folks who would benifit from the set.

The hunting disc, does show some nice shots on game but most of it was within 300 - 600 yds. Not to say this isn't long range for some folks. It is withing the realm of a capable accurate factory rifle which is what the set is all about.

For what it was made for it isn't bad but it could use improvement as mentioned above.

For my purpose, I don't feel let down to much as I mentioned it will be new knowledge to others in my family as well as a few friends who just don't quite get shooting accurately over 100 or 200 yds.

Lerch save your money and invest in some media for your video camera and shoot all of us some footage of you and Bill busting up some critters at 1K. The stills are great but those traces would be that much better.
as soon as someone tells me how to post video on here I will let all of you see Bill dropping that 500lb steers @$$ in the mud at 450yds.

I think this video set was meant for the average or maybe the above average hunter, not the target shooter and avid long-range hunters like we have on this forum. Believe me most hunters can't shoot consistently at 300 yards let along 5, 6 or 700 yards. My local range started requiring everyone to qualify at 100 yards before you could access to 300+ yard ranges. I guess they had too many wild shots at 300+ yards.

How would I rate the video set for the typical hunter?

Information: B : I thought it would give a novice a good base to start from.
Editing: D : This DVD set looks very rushed and some of the comments were out of sequence. DVD1, The links on the chapter page are out of order.
Production: D : Numerous scenes should have been retaken.. Off screen voices and sounds. Elbow in screen, Camera should have been centered before you start filming not after. White balance was off in a few scenes, so they had blown highlights.

I thought the first hunting DVD was produced and edited much better.

It funny that John and I both have the same tastes in rifles, McMillan A series stocks rock. I also spent a lot of time looking at the scenery on the DVDs. All you guys that live in that kind of country are lucky!
Could someone tell where you found the promo mpeg and also where you can order these DVD's? The Beyond Belief website only mentions the first DVD.

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