Best War and Action movies.

Our local gun club had a member who had landed on Omaha beach, he never talked of it, when private Ryan hit our little town everyone was talking of it, I asked butch who was just listening, I asked if he had seen it, he just nodded, I asked if the opening scenes were realistic, he quietly said no, it wasn't loud enough,
My uncle was in Korea, I finally talked him into going to see Saving Private Ryan, at the end he looked at me and said, the only thing missing was the smell. He never would watch Band of Brothers with me, I bought him limited edition tins of each BoB and Pacific, he never opened them, they are sitting on my shelf still sealed in plastic.

I was never able to get him to tell me his story, I wanted it for his daughter and grandkids. I knew he had seen and done some terrible things, but he never once talked about it, to anyone.

He taught me as much about fishing and hunting as my grandfather, but he was a little more outlaw, he'll, a bunch more outlaw. He bought all of the nephews Model 70 Winchester rifles the year they were born, he kept them until he thought we were old enough to learn to shoot them.

Now I have a list of movies that I need to watch
The Pacific
Hacksaw Ridge
Bridge Over River Kwai
Band of Brothers
The Longest Day
Old and New Midway
Lone Survivor
Tora Tora Tora
A Bridge Too Far
Saving Private Ryan
Lots of others. They never get old for me.

I need to watch The Bridge on the River Kwai again, it's been a long time

That is a great list though
Don't really like war movies, for 2 reasons:
1. I don't really like them, personal reasons.
2. I critique them too much, especially Sniper scenes. My wife can usually tell by the look on my face and ask if legit, my response is usually Nope.

I do like comedies, so how about a movie about making a movie? More of a documentary.😂
Tropic Thunder, one of my favorites…an instant classic!😂
Don't really like war movies, for 2 reasons:
1. I don't really like them, personal reasons.
2. I critique them too much, especially Sniper scenes. My wife can usually tell by the look on my face and ask if legit, my response is usually Nope.

I do like comedies, so how about a movie about making a movie? More of a documentary.😂
Tropic Thunder, one of my favorites…an instant classic!😂

Someone's gotta ruin the fun for everyone. I made smallest critique ever in cinema history the other day and got bombarded that I'm the ultimate killjoy. I'll just wear the badge at this point because the subtle doesn't work.

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