Any Love for the 7mm-08

10 Ringer

Aug 21, 2016
Like the title says, any have any love for the 7mm-08 for Elk? If so, post your loads,accuracy,what you have gotten with it. If not, tell me maybe of a bad experience you have had with it. TIA and this is an awesome forum!!! gun)
You must need a lot of convincing, this is your third or fourth post on multiple forums asking the same question. And that's okay, but are you going to feel confident in your choice if you go with the 7mm-08? Confidence in your cartridge choice is really important.

Just watch the hunting show On Your Own Adventures with Randy Newberg. There's a bunch of episodes on YouTube. I'm pretty sure he shoots a 7mm-08 from Howa. He's killed a bunch of elk with it.
My youngest killed 4 elk and 4 mulies in her first 4 years of big game hunting, all with her 7-08. I took it out a few years ago, for old times sake, and shot a bull and a cow with it. One of my grandsons is using it this year for his first elk hunt. You don't need a magnum to kill elk, you just need to shoot well. Magnums increase your range.
My youngest killed her first elk (spike bull) at 548yds with a 7-08. Its plenty of gun if you put in the time to be able to put the round where it belongs.
Love mine!


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10 ringer, welcome to our forum,look up JE Custom,hes a great fan of the 708 as am I, but he knows more and can word it better,he's also a gunsmith,good reading to you !!!
10 ringer, welcome to our forum,look up JE Custom,hes a great fan of the 708 as am I, but he knows more and can word it better,he's also a gunsmith,good reading to you !!!
He seems to have flown the coop. Never one time responded and hasn't been on the forum since July, 2017. Guessing that he wanted everyone to say the 7/08 was a pathetic caliber?
Warning! This thread is more than 7 years ago old.
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