Alaska Hunt

Joel Russo

Well-Known Member
Jul 5, 2006
Harrisburg, PA
I'm looking for someone to join me on this hunt. I know it's short notice, but I just worked out a deal with the outfitter. I Send him hunters all the time, and hunted here before, so no surprises. Great area. Personal friend..

Looking to arrive around 8 Sept. He is going to fly me in from Tok, so no air charter to pay. That usually costs $750.00.

Dall Sheep, Moose, and Grizzly combo, you can take all three for $7,900. No trophy fees.

The Dall sheep hunt alone is $10,900. So judge it from that.

I killed a Dall up there at long range, and he's into long range shooting. That's a benefit. Now Moose and Grizz are a different approach.

If your'e interested e-mail or call me and we'll work out the details.

[email protected]

We could push it back a week, but Sheep season ends on the 20th. You need to allow a few days to take the Sheep. Two years ago we killed three sheep in two days, they are all over his area.
Joel, maybe Philny1 would want to go. he just had a bad experience up there. might be a way to "get back on the saddle" his stuff might still be up there.
I always wanna go!! No need to pack. Actully my gear is heahin' home, should be hear tomorrow or Tues.
Its a 2x1 I assume, how many days. Don't know if I could handle a sheep hunt, but a ram sure would look nice on my wall.
Phil, i will say that i've known Joel and his associates for quite a few years and they only deal with very good outfitters. have never heard from any of their clients that the hunt was anything but great. and i've talked to quite a few that have booked with them. if you travel with Joel, i would be very surprised if you stayed in any podunk town in a shed behind the slaughterhouse because the outfitter didn't show up or contact you.

Joel is a very nice guy and very honest. He is well known in Pennsylvania. I would not worry about him and his word. It will be good.

Thanks Dave and Jim, I appreciate the nice comments.

Well, it looks like Phil and I are headed to the big bush. We hashed it out today on the phone for quite a while, and it sounds like we think alike.

He sounds like a good guy, so we should get along just fine.

Just called my buddy up north, waiting to hear back to confirm dates.
Joel, he's gotta be a nice guy, he's from "Dogpatch" NY. it doesn't get any better than that! hope everything goes well for you guys.

You will need to pack an extra rabbits foot and pick up a penny from the sidewalk or parking lot and take that too. To counteract the jinx on bears that Phil has, y'all are going to need some extra luck.
Yeah, I kinda got that feeling when we talked on the phone. My luck in Alaska has been pretty good so far, don't know what I'm in for this time.

Oh well, it's the "adventure" that counts right?

If it starts getting out of hand, I'll be saying Phil who? LOL
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