7mm stw brass

Aren't we all??
Affordable? Kinda.
Available Yes.
Nosler has brass on Midway, or thru their seconds site shootersproshop.com
You're looking at 65-75$ per 25 hulls.
Funny I just came across some in my reloading room. i can't check till tomorrow as to how many I have and condition. I think they are new Winchester.

Bruce Bertram in Australia is making correctly head stamped 7mm STW brass.
It was made them for a big name US custom loaded ammo seller.
He has even made 7mm RUM brass and its really good stuff with strong pockets
The way our Aus dollar is.. eg around 73 US its in your favour..
I am fixing to get a bunch of 8mm REM mag Remington unfiref brass if anyone is interested pm me if you need some .
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