6.5 sherman shortmag field test


Well-Known Member
Dec 4, 2008
hauser, id.
Finally got the SS up and running and am currently breaking in the barrel. I did shoot a couple of groups and need to do a lot of playing yet but started with a couple of loads I thought might work. It looks like it has some potential! My chrono is on the fritz but based on "Bigngreens" testing, I estimate these loads at over 3100'. The rifle is a joy to shoot and feels different than the 6.5 Sherman? More of a push than a punch I would say. DSCF0566.jpg


Gotcha. I have found in my 6.5-06AI's a 215 will make about 50-75fps difference in velocity with the same powder charge. Although I do have one now that shoots better w a 210. Shooter preference for sure, I will typically run 215's in everything from my 243AI and up. Lookin forward to hearing more progress on your build. Looks like so far so good!!
Gotcha. I have found in my 6.5-06AI's a 215 will make about 50-75fps difference in velocity with the same powder charge. Although I do have one now that shoots better w a 210. Shooter preference for sure, I will typically run 215's in everything from my 243AI and up. Lookin forward to hearing more progress on your build. Looks like so far so good!!

The reason you get that much velocity increase is because you are increasing pressure with the hot primer. Sometimes you can load a heavier charge with a std. primer and get better accuracy with the same velocity.
With H1000, I even load std. primers in my 30/375 S.I. with 80+ grains of powder......Rich
Good to see you up and running, finally :rolleyes:

4831 is looking good so far, a little tweaking should tighten that right up. I've been running the 210 in the 6.5wsm exclusively, powder charges run over 60 grains even with the 160 matrix.

Have either of you gents taken a critter with the 142 Matrix?

Good to see you up and running, finally :rolleyes:

4831 is looking good so far, a little tweaking should tighten that right up. I've been running the 210 in the 6.5wsm exclusively, powder charges run over 60 grains even with the 160 matrix.

Have either of you gents taken a critter with the 142 Matrix?


I just got the Matrix a while back so haven't shot anything but paper so far. I don't think Rhian has either but he has shot the 165 Matrix in his .270 WSM and punched a few critters with good success I'm told...Rich
Finally got a break from work and was able to shoot a group in the rain yesterday using H1000 for the first time. I have not done any developement yet but I think this powder will show some good results with a little tweaking. They were loaded to the lands and fit nicely in the Remmy 700 box. The bullet is the 142 Matrix......richDSCF0580.jpg


In your first pictures, you have COAL as 3.820" and in your last picture COAL is 2.820". The correct COAL is 2.820" right? Or else you have created the longest short action cartridge ever!:D
I thought this was a rather interesting and revealing comparison. L to R are 300 RUM, 300 WSM and 6.5 SS. The velocities listed are max from a 26" barrel from the Berger manual and actual chrono data from the 6.5 SS. The only actual Berger in the pic is a 185 in the 300 WSM.DSCF0583.jpg
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