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Well-Known Member
Feb 18, 2013
Wife spoiled me and got me a Traeger for Christmas this year. Got it put together yesterday and fired up for a first cook. Did some pork loin for supper last night and it came out great. I plan to document my smoking journey in the thread so feel free to follow along.

Wife spoiled me and got me a Traeger for Christmas this year. Got it put together yesterday and fired up for a first cook. Did some pork loin for supper last night and it came out great. I plan to document my smoking journey in the thread so feel free to follow along.

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There's a thread called Smoking Sunday or something to that affect. Here it is. You may get some good ideas for later on. Those rolls sound real tasty. Yum Yum !
Yes, the rolls please, And any others your willing. IMO the recipes add a lot to these Cooks Corner threads.
Sure thing.
Get the pillsbury cinnamon rolls and unroll them. Place the bacon on top of the roll and then roll it back up. Put it on your cookie sheet or cast iron.

I smoked them with mesquite pellets at 350 for about 35 minutes. If you want crispier bacon you can precook it some before you roll it into the rolls.

Here's a video that's similar:


4 cheese smoked Mac and cheese with bacon. This was outstanding. I'm normally the most critical of my own cooking but this was one of the best m&c I can remember having. The pics just don't do it justice. If anyone wants to try this recipe I will type it up and post here later this evening.

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