You'll never get rid of them when people can make big $$$ on them . Texas has some of the largest numbers of pigs and the state has done some to help . But if 97% of the state is private and they can charge to hunt there is a problem. You hear that they charge so they can recoupe losses but if they wanted them gone it would be free to remove them . California is just now going to start by changing the pigs from a game species to evasive and charge a 1 time tag for the year starting next year. But it's still big$$$ as a guided pig hunt is 1200 bucks or more.
Disagree. I think farmers and landowners are making a buck when they can. As a landowner myself, I don't let anyone hunt on my land but family. Broken fences, leaving gates open, driving trucks across fields not to mention the people that have hunted on my parents land despite no hunting signs and have called for permission AFTER killing something.

Hunting will never eradicate wild hogs and a lot of jackasses do more harm than good. I know there is a lot of responsible hunters out there (I do my best to be one), but they all drive the same trucks 🤷‍♂️

Even a government funded culling program including trapping, night hunting, helicopters etc will never do more than control them IMO. And the public here will never support that.
You'll never get rid of them when people can make big $$$ on them . Texas has some of the largest numbers of pigs and the state has done some to help . But if 97% of the state is private and they can charge to hunt there is a problem. You hear that they charge so they can recoupe losses but if they wanted them gone it would be free to remove them . California is just now going to start by changing the pigs from a game species to evasive and charge a 1 time tag for the year starting next year. But it's still big$$$ as a guided pig hunt is 1200 bucks or more.
1200 $ is going to negate the program. They need to do what , I can't believe that I'm about to say this, Canada did and put a bounty on them. They also need to teach people the proper way to process them so that people can justify the cost and time.
I'd agree with both of you . There are always *** es that call themselves hunters that ruin it for the good hunters . And if people only knew that pigs are good table fair . It would help . I've heard rumors of guys importing pigs here in Arizona . They seem to want the hunting opportunity like Texas but don't understand the bad side of it . Them suckered eat everything. We hunt in a unit that is supposed to have no pigs . But on my dad's last elk hunt he said pig and I hit the breaks . It was a big pig . I didn't expect to see so I wasn't in a position to shoot . My buddy didn't believe me till his friends were on the archery hunt and got pictures of a big pig . Made the one I shot in California look small . So now I'm set to hunt it . I've got a general idea of where it is so when the acorns drop I'll be looking.
Look at the Everglades and snakes.
I'm familiar with the situation in the glades. Unfortunately, they will never eradicate the Burmese pythons either due to reproductive speed and lack of natural predators. Much the same with hogs.

I agree that the goal should be to eliminate or eradicate them as much as possible and the government and landowners should support that goal. I understand much of Texas is privately owned however which is a challenge. Even as a hunter myself I don't expect anyone to give me access to their land for gopher, coyote, or big game hunting if they don't know me personally or at least my family. In Alberta, you can't charge for access to hunt. Even if you could, the juice isn't worth the squeeze if you don't have time to supervise them. Not worth the risk, potential damage and possible liability. Strangers with firearms have the potential to do tremendous damage.

I disagree with the notion that pig hunters are doing landowners a favor or that hunting is even an effective way to control wild hogs. I agree that $1200 is ridiculous though. Not an easy problem to solve.
I'd agree with both of you . There are always *** es that call themselves hunters that ruin it for the good hunters . And if people only knew that pigs are good table fair . It would help . I've heard rumors of guys importing pigs here in Arizona . They seem to want the hunting opportunity like Texas but don't understand the bad side of it . Them suckered eat everything. We hunt in a unit that is supposed to have no pigs . But on my dad's last elk hunt he said pig and I hit the breaks . It was a big pig . I didn't expect to see so I wasn't in a position to shoot . My buddy didn't believe me till his friends were on the archery hunt and got pictures of a big pig . Made the one I shot in California look small . So now I'm set to hunt it . I've got a general idea of where it is so when the acorns drop I'll be looking.
Ours seems to move in circles. Sometime it takes a couple of days other times weeks. It may be that they stay in a general area until the food source is reduced or they are pushed/spooked by something. They are tough to pattern even with feeders and cameras. It also may be different sounders. How did their groups get to be called sounders?
Most of the Fl. pigs that I've seen (tv) are small enough to be killed/eaten by the big snakes. Ours get too large for the snakes to eat. Hogs do kill and eat snakes. I've heard that rattlesnakes in Tx. are less prone to rattle to keep the hogs from finding them so easy by sound. Their eye's aren't as good as their hearing and especially their smell.
Most of the Fl. pigs that I've seen (tv) are small enough to be killed/eaten by the big snakes. Ours get too large for the snakes to eat. Hogs do kill and eat snakes. I've heard that rattlesnakes in Tx. are less prone to rattle to keep the hogs from finding them so easy by sound. Their eye's aren't as good as their hearing and especially their smell.
Huh. Didn't know that.

Just did a little more reading and found out they have eliminated the bounty for wild hogs here in Alberta. You need to be an approved trapper or landowner and are encouraged to try to wipe out the entire sounder.

Whole Sounder Trapping Incentive Program – encourages the elimination of entire sounders, approved trappers receive $75 per set of ears per sounder. This program is administered by participating municipalities and runs from April 1, 2022 to March 31, 2024.

This was interesting too.

They brought in some people from Texas to have a panel on how to control them. Have spread steadily here in Alberta since 1995 though we still don't have a problem anything like Saskatchewan or Texas.
I'll be doing my part in june . My dad's buddy is going to let me hunt his texas property for pigs and in return I'm going to cart my dad and his buddy around for elk again . At 78 and 75 it's hard for them to hunt big critters without some help.
I wish that I could have hunted with my Pop. He was in the 1st wave at Normandy and the Battle of the Bulge. He told me that he had killed enough in his lifetime.
Huh. Didn't know that.

Just did a little more reading and found out they have eliminated the bounty for wild hogs here in Alberta. You need to be an approved trapper or landowner and are encouraged to try to wipe out the entire sounder.

Whole Sounder Trapping Incentive Program – encourages the elimination of entire sounders, approved trappers receive $75 per set of ears per sounder. This program is administered by participating municipalities and runs from April 1, 2022 to March 31, 2024.

This was interesting too.

They brought in some people from Texas to have a panel on how to control them. Have spread steadily here in Alberta since 1995 though we still don't have a problem anything like Saskatchewan or Texas.
Good luck on trapping them. I hope it works. We've been trapping them for years, not as sufisticated (,sp?) as the people in the video. I believe that the sounders regroup. We seem to see the same ones for a time then they move. Later we see others.
My dad in black and Aaron on Aaron's first Arizona muzzleloader elk hunt. He wanted to shoot a small one.


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You don't need to cull, you need to eradicate. Some of your officials need to come down here during p nut season so that they can get a good look at the damage that is in the future for whatever they find to be their favorite food.
Don't forget how aggressive they get. I've been put in a tree 3x. You are stalking around and get between a sow and her piglets and the next thing, you have 1 ticked off mommy.
When I was in Germany we would get stuck on Extra guard duty thanks to wild hogs. Usually a sow & piglets. I wasn't going to confront a wild hog with a empty 1911 pistol & a baseball bat. Those hogs were not scared of people. They would tree us on top of tanks. lol
That's crazy to give you guard duty and a empty gun . I felt naked hunting pigs in California with out my pistol. They have a lead free requirement and I couldn't come up with ammo for my 10mm or 44 mag loaded with copper. I had my 7-08 shooting barns 140 ttsx . At 100 yds it passed thru and out . I was fixing to send another as the guide had said it usually takes two shots. Tom the guide called me off the second shot . He said good hit I see blood on both sides .