Wy Gen Elk 2nd choice


Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2010
Just checking to see if anyone was able to draw a non-res general bull tag
as 2nd choice this year in the special draw?
Nobody drew that this year as a second choice. In fact, 139 didn't even draw that tag as a first choice. Using that method of drawing a tag got too much publicity on the net and it went from 100% every year to 50% last year to 0 this year.
TopGun is correct I did not draw Gen tag as second choice and ZIP on my first choice also Lokoing at Montana or New Mexico
Well Zeeman hope that you end up with something good in Mont or NM. I have drawn the gen tag on 2nd choice several times and thought about trying it again this year but ended up trying something else. I could tell by looking at the 2016 draw stats that few if any drew that way this year. I had thought that I would ask
around though because in 2014 I did draw it on 2nd choice even though the G&F draw odds show that nobody did. In fact they show that some did not even get it
on 1st choice that year but somehow I got drawn on 2nd choice. Maybe it was just a fluke.
Well Zeeman hope that you end up with something good in Mont or NM. I have drawn the gen tag on 2nd choice several times and thought about trying it again this year but ended up trying something else. I could tell by looking at the 2016 draw stats that few if any drew that way this year. I had thought that I would ask
around though because in 2014 I did draw it on 2nd choice even though the G&F draw odds show that nobody did. In fact they show that some did not even get it
on 1st choice that year but somehow I got drawn on 2nd choice. Maybe it was just a fluke.

It was not a fluke. The State Statute passed by the Legislature a number of years ago requires that 7,250 full price licenses be issued to NRs every year for elk. After the draw odds that are posted on the G&F website the G&F filled up to that 7,250 tag limit with applicants that were in the higher priced Special Draw. Until 2015 everyone that had the General tag as a first or second choice got the tag and it even went down into a few that had it as a third choice, but those results are never shown on the odds stats. This started getting publicized on the net on hunting forums such that more and more people did that and in 2015 it went to only about 50% of those that had it as their second choice in that draw. This year there were so many applicants in that pool that had it as their first choice that with the other tags being issued the 7,250 tag limit was reached such that not even all the first choice applicants got tags. The only way you can tell what I mentioned is to request the stats that the license section doesn't post on the net and they charge for it. A friend of mine has known this for the last number of years and asks for that information. That's why you made your statement because that last situation I described is never shown in the posted stats and how I was able to make the statement I did that 139 first choice applicants didn't draw because my friend sent me those other stats. Now you know what 99% of other NRs don't when you look at the elk odds!
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