
We recently had Egg Plant dropped off from some fiends.
Cut it up in slices, browned on olive oil, smothered with a good tomato sauce and seasoning, then topped off with some good aged & shaved Parmesan and baked in the oven!!!!!!
Hated egg plant. A friend drops off some lasagna he had prepared. Loved it and asked for the recipie...yep he used egg plant. Kinda wanted to hate him but da..m he made even the stuff I hated taste good.
Hate of lima beans, but, that is another story for another thread.
Hated egg plant. A friend drops off some lasagna he had prepared. Loved it and asked for the recipie...yep he used egg plant. Kinda wanted to hate him but da..m he made even the stuff I hated taste good.
Hate of lima beans, but, that is another story for another thread.
Same here. Never thought I could eat Egg Plant, then one day had a Italian friend bring me a dish with other foods for a dinner and really was impressed with the taste. Found out it was Egg Plant Parmesan. Now one of my favorite dishes!
Same here. Never thought I could eat Egg Plant, then one day had a Italian friend bring me a dish with other foods for a dinner and really was impressed with the taste. Found out it was Egg Plant Parmesan. Now one of my favorite dishes!
I presently hate eggplant but will assume I've never had it done right haha.

Used to hate cilantro but learned to acquire a taste for it. In conjunction with cayenne and lime…in hot sauce form…
Being Italian myself, I have my Grandma's original spaghetti sauce recipe. When temps are mild, house windows open and a pot of it simmering on the stove, we have had complete strangers knock to ask, "What are you cooking?" I have watched one woman, a devout vegetarian, continue eating even after telling her it was loaded with homemade Italian sausage. She claimed that wasn't meat....

Don't care what you are making, pour sauce on top and it disappears. Lots of food, by itself, isn't always tasty. How we fix it changes everything.

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