Yoga helps....seriously

I'm early 30s work insane hours good spilt between physical, desk and driving. I had serious back issues last year. I was paying cash to see a specialist the same day it got so bad. I started doing yoga, at that point I would have done anything. Now it's kike nothing happened. It's still in the back of my mind, but I feel good and I'm mindful. Yoga is good stuff
Crushed my L5 vertebra in 1983. Spent 3 months in a brace. Months of physical therapy, ultrasound, massage. You want to talk about chronic pain.
I would stretch and exercise and the chronic pain would persist, for decades. In 2007, a GF brought me to her yoga class. What a transformation. If only the other folk in that class weren't such snowflakes.
It's been 13 years now and I have not had the daily pain or stiffness, as long as I keep up the practice. And I still do things like haul refrigerators upstairs, put 40# of lead weight in a plate carrier and do duck-walks up steep slopes or swing a sledgehammer for a workout.
This caught my attention because my wife is yoga instructor. Yes it does the body wonders in fact many pro athletes make it part of their training. It has keep me at least 20 years younger than many freinds. :)
Being "too manly" to stretch acording to a plan seems dumb to me. Strength, endurance, and flexibility is the physical fitness trifecta. Like anything else in life you don't get better at something by not doing it. Yes I add yoga to my fitness routine and yes it is a good thing.
I seriously tweaked my back for the first time a few months ago while lifting and twisting. I didn't feel right for about two weeks. Stretching and some yoga were what helped. Then I did it again. The second time around I went to the stretching more quickly and recovered faster. My problem is that I don't stay with the routine once I start feeling better.
I've been saying I would commit to yoga for quite some time now. I suppose when my feet go to sleep while on the toilet, it's time...
My take on yoga. It is the one type of exercise I dread and hate doing! That being said it is also the one exercise I feel by far the best when done with a session! The wife and I try and do yoga together(😉) and that helps my motivation. If I could only handle doing it a few times a week it would majorly help bulletproof my body. With all the issues my Body has had it needs yoga. Hope to start it up again Soon!
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