wyoming draw

Will I have to wait to hear from the group member that put our group together or is there a way I can check to see if our group got drawn? Just getting a little antsy:D
Thanks for the quick reply. Like I said Im getting alittle antsy. This will be my first time going out of state hunting different game.:D

You are in for a good time! Pronghorns are a blast to hunt IMHO. Don't get in a hurry to pull the trigger, you will see a bunch. What area did you apply for?

You are in for a good time! Pronghorns are a blast to hunt IMHO. Don't get in a hurry to pull the trigger, you will see a bunch. What area did you apply for?


We put in for Area 32, . My Ol' Man and a good friend of his put the trip together. So hopefully they put us in a good area because the wifes gonna kill me if I dont come home with something for the wall.
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