Wyoming antelope unit 69

I've hunted 73 the past few years. Opening weekend I only saw about 15 antelope and closing I didn't see a one. I would look elsewhere if I was planning on seeing any amount of quality antelope. I hunted the northern and central part of the area...

Wow, last year I spent a few hours glassing in the southern part of unit 73 during the second week of season and saw dozens of animals with several nice (to me anyway) bucks.


It seems like you have done some research, that's what I did and supplemented with good info from some of the members here. If you want to hunt for sure then pony up for the special tag, if you don't mind waiting another year I would try the regular draw. I think paying a trespass fee is a separate issue and I found ranchers who charged from $75.00 - $200.00. One other tip I would offer is to get the plat4 GPS map for Wyoming, in addition to the current BLM maps for what ever area you choose.

There are nice camping sites at Alcova lake just make sure you lock your vehicle at night, some scumbag stole my draw-bar out of my receiver hitch one night.

Were you at Black Beach?

I was at Alcova and I keep a pistol in the tent and when vehicles drive around after midnight I listen for the gravel to crunch around my truck.
Were you at Black Beach?

I was at Alcova and I keep a pistol in the tent and when vehicles drive around after midnight I listen for the gravel to crunch around my truck.

Yes, I was as Black Beach, I heard a vehicle start up at about 2:10 but I didn't get up. I never even thought about a thief. My truck was parked at the next campsite over from me where the other guys were staying that came with me. I'm guessing they coasted in without the engine running, if I camp there again I'll be a little more alert. I didn't even notice the theft for a couple of days.
I remember your group. Next year select a camp site where your truck is closer to you at night. This type of thievery is very common out west and probably in the east as well.
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