I just sold my Redding to a fellow forum member a couple weeks ago. I repolaced it with a WFT 2 trimmer from Little Crow Gunworks. I've also done a review of the trimmer that Len will be posting up shortly on this siite.
I liked my Redding Micrometer case trimmer but it was slow and a pain in the hand (literally). All the lathe type case trimmers suffer from the same issues, one, unless you get a power adapter, they become a pain in the hand from cranking the crank to trim the case, two, repeatability over a number of cases is questionable because as you trim the case, you impart a sideload to the cutter, something you can't get around because of the physical design, three, replacement cutters are expensive and four, most of the designs (Redding excluded) take caliber specific case holders. The Redding uses a stepped, split collet arrangement similar to a collet used in the machine tool industry but, you have to be sure you seat your case securely in the collet before trimming or your case length won't be correct.
The WFT 2 trimmer has no design drawbacks like the lathe type trimmers do. It uses a common end mill, indexed in an aluminum body and secured with setscrews to cut the case and, the case is located against the cutter (for cutting) with a caliber specific insert that rides in a precision ball bearing thats press fitted into the end of the trimmer body. There is no induced side force to cut the case mouth anything but square, the cutter can be replaced for a couple bucks versus 20-30 bucks for a specialized cutter to fit the lathe type trimmers.
The WFT 2 chucks in an ordinary cordless drill so there is no cranking, the drill motor provides the rotational motion to cut the case.
The best part (at least for me) is repeatability. I can hold with no effort on my part, 0.003 across any number of cases and you can trim cases at about 1 case every 10 seconds or about 3 times as fast as a lathe type trimmer.
The WFT 2 with one caliber specific insert is around 70 bucks delivered or about a half the cost of a Redding and inserts are around 22 bucks each. I bought 3 extra inserts, a 308, 338 and 223 aqnd I was still at less than the Redding cost.
I chuck mine in a 3 jaw lathe chuck but LittleCrow recommends a cordless drill. My take is whatever works and the WFT 2 trimmer works and works well.
No, I'm not affiliated in any way other than a very satisifed customer.