Would you print this to hang on a wall? And how/who?

AJ Peacock

Well-Known Member
Oct 7, 2005

I took this picture last fall and have been using it as my computer background. It's one of my favorite landscapes that I've taken, but I'd like your opinions.

I'm contemplating having it printed to hang on the wall of my office. I wish the post didn't obscure the little ranch house ;-(

I saved the original large Raw file (Canon Raw format), taken with a 30D.
I didn't do any Post Processing, other than white balance and contrast. The Photobucket upload doesn't do the clarity justice, dropping it to 1mb from 8mb+

The current Jpg is 3504x2336, 350dpi, bit depth 24 if that will help in determining the size I could print and be successful.


1) What do you think, should I have it printed?
2) If so, which site should I use and on what material? Size?


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1) You should defiantly have it printed.

2) For smaller prints, Walmarts with Fuji Frontier printers do great if and only if they are color managed properly. You can download store specific profiles at Dry Creek Photo They also include instructions on how to use them.

If you are not sure how to "color manage" your photo then you shouldn't use Walmart.You'll need to send it to a place that will take care of editing and color management for you. It will cost more but you'll have a better chance of getting a good print. I haven't used them in a long time (6+ years...) but you might try West Coast Imaging.

As far as how big to print... that's up to you. If you print at 300 ppi you'll have an un-interpolated 8x10... but you can defiantly go bigger. How big depends on what your personal print quality tolerance is assuming you want as big of print as possible. There are no hard and fast rules here. Some people don't mind the look of a small file printed big... some do. If it was me I would go over 11x14 with a file that size. However, it may look fine to you printed bigger. In fact, I have a 16x20 print from a 20d that is impressive. So you never know until you try. I wish I could be more specific but that's the nature of photography.

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YES, it is a great pic! I would have it done on canvas to look like an oil painting. If you need a source to get it done I have a friend that can do it.


Yes have it printed, But take to a photo store sure you can find one in your area as a photo store can print it in any size that you will want.
Sweet picture. There's a place I have used to put prints on canvas, and they do a great job. www.photofiddle.com They can make it about as big as you want, I did mine poster size (24x36) and it looks awesome.
Thanks guys,

Another reason I like the picture, I can point to the spot that we shot a 5x5 bull elk in the picture as well, so it has a little more than an artistic value to us.

Hey, you removed that ugly post that I didn't notice when I took the picture!

Nope, didn't print it yet. A friend of mine that is a painter (90 yrs old) wanted to try his hand at putting it on canvas. I printed him a copy on 4 sheets of printer paper. I'll see how it turns out.

What program did you use to manipulate the picture?


AJ, I know I'm pretty late here... did you already print it? It's beautiful!

I'm sure your friend will do a good job.
I used Adobe Photoshop CS3 but just about any
photo editing application will do that.

On canvas will look awesome! Good Luck!
What a great pic....... Just think for a moment what heaven is going to look like....If it looks so good down here. GLORY TO GOD.
I have not forgotten GOD'S only begotton and the price that HE payed for my sin. I must not forget the joy not regret of how his love brought me joy without end!!! HEY EAGLET how do you put the scripture at the bottom of your post ?I am not to good on the computer . THANKS​
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