Excellent. Litz owns AB, Shooter was an offshoot that worked with Litz... AB is more up to date. There are two ballistic solvers, or engines, TRASOL uses, can't remember his name, but he's out of Argentina and owns Cold Bore, and then the other old school engine that Litz uses.
Most real hunters won't need the uphill downhill info because modern range finders calculate for it giving you a true range to target, which you just adjust for wind based on that number
If you use a LRF shoot to range it will not be accurate. LRF use a cosine solver to generate the horizontal distance equivalent range to the target. Ballistics solvers do not use this data. Litz addresses this is one of the books as well. The ballistic apps use TOF calculation to the target for the correction. The results are considerably different. An example would be a 20degree slope at 1750 yards. Horizontal distance to the target is 1645. (1750x.94=1645). Depending on the ballistics of your ammo that 105 yard difference at that range is significant. For one of my rifles it is 3.4 moa or almost 60".