Will a rifle scope handle the recoil found with BP?

Thanks, guys.

On that subject, the owner of the company that makes the no-clean powder (American Pioneer) lives not far from me gave me a bunch to try. Anyone use it?

I have used american Pioneer powders. They are much cleaner as advertised. I can't add for thaccuracy or consistancy, as I haven't tried them in anything other than a FLINCH-lock which I can't shoot worth a darn yet. Can't get used to the FLASH-pause-BANG yet.
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I use a Simmons Aetec on my .50cal Encore.Holds up great and looks pretty too.
JMason, you should be using real black in your flintlock. You will shoot it better with less pasue. Use 4f in the pan and 2f with your load. I Assume its a 50 cal or bigger?

Len, APP is good powder for inlines. I use the 2fg in my 45 cal knight but the APP powder is coarser than others. I would try both 2f and 3f if you have them. (Obviously not together!!!) They work great and you do not have to clean right away. But I still wouldn't leave it too long after shooting.

The new Blackhorn 209 is the cat's ***! Real clean and accurate.
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