Wife Bagged Another Wyoming Speed Goat - *VIDEO*


Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2012
Green River, Wyoming
Took the wife out to try and fill her antelope tag, even brought the little boys along to make it a family event.

Spotted a decent one after a few hours of looking. Left the boys in the truck to watch, then we walked over to the brow of the hill to set up and wait for the herd to come up out of the bottom on the other side of the draw.

Buck finally showed and after we got all our ducks in a row he stopped long enough at 400 yards for her to let him have it with a 160 Speer from her 7mm-08. Solid hit through the front shoulder and he bled like a sieve! Game over... :D I was pretty proud of her, to say the least. :cool:

Even got it all on film! Enjoy....

Here's a pic...


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