Creedmoor shooter
Well-Known Member
So I went out today for some 1000 yard practice. Had wind gusts up to 15-20 mph and it was 30°f. The wind was only a slight left to right angle but mostly to my back so I held a 1-1.5 moa left hold for wind. I had my windage nailed first shot just 1moa a under my milk jug. Did the same hold to confirm and the bullets were 2in apart. So I held one moa high and then my bullet goes 1 moa over the target. Confused I went back to my original hold and it went low again. At any rate my next 7 shots bounced back and forth between 27.75 moa to 29ish moa. Im slightly confused as my windage stayed good. Does anyone know what may have caused this? I'm wondering if it could be inconsistent pressure on my rifle as I was wearing a thick coat.