Hunting is Pro Active nature conservation. Todays hunters care far more about the environment than do most any other groups of society. We hunt because we know that what we are doing is providing a nessecary part of wild game and environment management, Hunting ensures that game and other speciew will continue to thrive in well managed areas, we prevent the species becoming extinct due to lack of habitat, over population poaching, encroachment of humans in wildlife areas, disease prevention and management, environment management. Income from hunting and related activities generates millions of $ worth of income in many areas, much of which goes towards environmental conservation. Lastly but not least, we as humans are top of the food chain, to hunt is in the very nature of mankind. Game meat tastes good and is a healthy source of food. Hunting in its self gives us a chance to get back close to nature, bieng close to nature is a most enjoyable experience.
Why do i hunt? I owe it to mother nature to do my part to help balance and improve what man kind has messed up since the industial revolution, i take from mother nature, but i always give back more than i take.