Hey Now! Let's not be insulting the coyote like that. He's one of Gods' critters, and I don't think any of Gods' critters live in D.C. Back to as why, here on the Southern Plaines we got bunches of 'um. Calving is just about over here and I've heard of several losses because of that 'hunter of opportunity'. They're everywhere. If some control isn't on them, soon they would be the only thing out there. Not only will they go after livestock, you might come up missing every barn cat on the place AND your best bird dog! You won't find a more challenging hunt. Leave the bi-pod at home, you won't know which direction he may be coming from and, for me anyway, its just in the way. I travel light, just a couple mouth calls, and my custom barreled 6 x 45, it can make those 250yd. kills and swings easily for those 30yd.'ers that are behind you. He (the coyote) has become the master hunter/survivor on this continent.