I've had zero issues with .277 130gr. barnes and gmx, .308 165gr. Barnes, gmx or nosler etips,
Not anymore they banned lead across the whole state of Ca. Now!!!!! UghIf you aren't hunting in the actual "condor zone" then use whatever bullet you want.
If you are, then use Hammers.
Not anymore they banned lead across the whole state of Ca. Now!!!!! Ugh
I use the cutting edge mth line. They have been very good at dropping those tasty ugly critters. They split into four pieces three petals and the main chunk.So unless you are shooting the monsters with a plate thick enough to stop any bullet but the big magnums will be needed.I am in south florida and i am critter control on two farms that are both over 10,000 acres. So i shoot a ton of hogs monthly. So they work great for me.Hey everyone I live in Ca. I know it sucks I should of left along time ago when I got out of the military!!! Anyways I can only hunt with copper bullets, for deer it's not too bad but for pig it dose not seem to expand that well, I have heard a lot of people are having to make a follow up shot. I'm gonna be taking a 308 out this weekend, I know it's not the best for hog hunting but I don't have my 6.5x284 set up for copper yet. I'm your experience what is the best expanding bullet that is copper and most accurate.
I'm a trucker. It's beyond my exponentially-limited intelligence as to why I become a better driver once I cross an imaginary line between Nevada and Kalifonia. I'm forced by the power of the brain-damaged elites in Sacramento to drive 55mph in the Granola State, yet I can accelerate to as fast as 80mph in Nevada once I get out past MM 60 or so. What caused me to become so much more skilled as a driver such that I can increase my speed by 45% once I have crossed the border? As pathetically stupid as I am, I'll need the help of the membership to answer that question...
Not at all, but I have not had a moving violation since February 2, 2001 (19 years ago this week) and have not had a chargeable accident since January 1994. I learned very quickly once I hit the roads to let the impatient s'fing-ters go first. You could have been one of them I let pass. It's better to be a few minutes late to the delivery because I let a moron (you could have been one of them) go ahead of me than to try to race him in his four-wheeler versus me in my 18-wheeler.I'm sure you are the best driver out there.