I have been meaning to ask about this and hoping someone can help me out. I have seen all the data books where each page has spots where you fill out all the atmospherics as well as the rifle information and range. It has a place to draw your impacts and has 10 spots usually to show where you shot. That's great and all, but I have no reason to shoot 10 shots at the same range and I have no reason to plot missed shots. So what I have been doing is in a small note pad I write the date and all the current atmospherics on the top of the page. Then I shoot at a range, if I hit where I want, I write that elevation down next to the range on that page. If I miss I make corrections until I have it where I want it then I write it down next to that range. I do this for all the distances I shoot at that day. I may only take one shot at a target at a certain range, so what is the reason to have a whole data book page labeled with all the atmospherics and then only one range? I understand plotting to keep track of cold bore shots and shots after cleaning, but other than that why do I need to know anything other than the scope setting that are right for a given distance at given conditions? I'm not saying I you do it this way, you are wrong. I know a lot of people do it this way and this is the way I was taught as well. I just don't see how that is very productive. Does anyone else do it similar to what I do? Can someone help me out with this if I am missing something.