Who hunts in the SE United States?

I've hunted all my life in N.W. Ga about 65 mile from Atlanta. We have some ok deer on my farm(130") about tops. Problem we have is the deer don't get a chance to grow up!! Everyone shoots a 15" wide 8 pt. And then wonders why you can't kill anything of size. Turkeys are everywhere and I have a pond full of big bass. When I want to shoot something big I always go out of state. Just the way it is here.
Sounds like paradise!😄
We've got 1200 acres that we hunt in middle Tn. NWR on our western border, 18,000 acres of family owned river bottoms that are farmed on our east border. When the beans and corn are being cut we do pretty well most years. Biggest deer ever taken was 166 inches with the average buck being 125-130 and dressing 175-190 lbs. There are only 7 of us on it and anymore we try to take as many kids as we can thru the fall.
We've got 1200 acres that we hunt in middle Tn. NWR on our western border, 18,000 acres of family owned river bottoms that are farmed on our east border. When the beans and corn are being cut we do pretty well most years. Biggest deer ever taken was 166 inches with the average buck being 125-130 and dressing 175-190 lbs. There are only 7 of us on it and anymore we try to take as many kids as we can thru the fall.
Sounds like an awesome piece of property! Keep those kids hunting, it'll be lifelong memories for all of you.
We've got 1200 acres that we hunt in middle Tn. NWR on our western border, 18,000 acres of family owned river bottoms that are farmed on our east border. When the beans and corn are being cut we do pretty well most years. Biggest deer ever taken was 166 inches with the average buck being 125-130 and dressing 175-190 lbs. There are only 7 of us on it and anymore we try to take as many kids as we can thru the fall.
Keep our culture alive with your kids! Looks like your managing y'all's deer herd pretty effectively with those stats on the bucks.
I hunt in the western Carolinas. I've got 86 acres of family/neighbor land that I'm able to hunt. Though living in SC, NC just raised our nonres rate to $440, I believe it was. May as well fork over the dough for my lifetimes, but still cheaper than getting a lease in SC. My wife's uncle just purchased 50 or so acres in western SC where I'm hoping to tag a bear and maybe another deer or two for the freezer.