which smk for big black bears?


Well-Known Member
Jul 17, 2001
Walla Walla, WA
I have a question for those of you who regularly use the Sierra Matchkings on game. I am shooting a 300 Win Mag and have a black bear hunt planned for southeast Alaska in mid May. These bears tend to be big and close to the thick rainforest. If they get off of the tidal flats and into that forest they can easily be lost, especially if there is no exit wound. I am currently shooting the 200 grain Matchking with good accuracy at 2975 fps but wonder if the 220 would be any better. I like to break shoulder bones to anchor them. Any comments? Rufous.
I am shooting the 190 gr SMK in my .300WSM and would not hesitate to use it on black bear. However my desired POI on all game has been behind the shoulder with the animal broadside or slightly angled away.
My rifle and load combo has taken 2 black bears. The load was a 190 SMK. Yes it busted the bears up good. Niether went very far. MV was 2600 FPS. The farthest shot was 157 yards. Try the 190's

The biologist who examined my bear wanted to know what kind of rifle I was using to do the damage I had done. I told him a 308 winchester and he demanded to know just what kind of bullet could be fired from a 308 winchester to do that!!!
I told him a 190 grain kind.

[ 03-09-2004: Message edited by: meichele ]
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