Which Scope?

Night Sniper

New Member
Jan 20, 2014
Hi guys,

I have a few questions to ask and opinions. I just picked up a new Howa 1500 heavy barrel with a Bell and Carlson Medalist stock. Now comes my optics decision. I have it narrowed down to 3. I am looking at the Nikon Buckmaster 6-18x40 the Weaver 6-24x50 Classic extreme illuminated reticle. I was also considering the Millett Tactical TRS-1 Rifle Scope 30mm Tube 4-16x 50mm.

I have never used a tactical, turret adjustable type scope but have recently become interested in them and what they can offer me for more precise long range shots.

Now of the 3 I mentioned above, it looks as if the Millet is the only one that has true Turret type adjustments ? Am I correct or do either of the other 2 offer that as well? They do have turret caps therefore im thinking they do not.

I also like the Illuminated reticle for predator hunting at night. What would you all go with and why.

Thanks guys!
what is your price range? Vortex makes a great scope for the money from what i hear. Out of the scopes you have mentioned id go with the nikon because it has a lifetime warranty. That and my brother has a nikon buckmaster and its a good scope. As far as i know the other two scopes dont have life time warranty. Im going to get a vortex hs-t long range in a 4-16x44. Has side focus parallax and uncapped turrets with zero stop. That is $550. Id suggest a 4-16 if the scope is for hunting purposes.
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