Which scope then?


Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2011
Colusa c
All this chatter on leupold criticism. Unreal. I used to think the company made premium optics. I am disgusted with any affiliation they may have with red china. Talk about confused. Now gentlemen which product should I look into buying. I have 1500 or so to spend on glass. Do I need to spend more to get a scope worth being proud of. I am sort of brand specific and want all my stuff the same. Why. I don't know but that's how I am. What are my choices
All this chatter on leupold criticism. Unreal. I used to think the company made premium optics. I am disgusted with any affiliation they may have with red china. Talk about confused. Now gentlemen which product should I look into buying. I have 1500 or so to spend on glass. Do I need to spend more to get a scope worth being proud of. I am sort of brand specific and want all my stuff the same. Why. I don't know but that's how I am. What are my choices

First off, almost all scopes have some parts made in China or some other country irregardless
of what they say so just the fact that they all have some affiliation irritates me to but what
are you going to do if you cant spend 3 or 4 thousands dollars for a scope.

As I have said many times Leupold scopes have allways been a good investment and I personally
have never had one let me down.

I for one will continue to use Leupold scopes until the quality goes down and/or the price goes
up to much for what you get.

There are cheaper scopes and more expensive ones than the Leupold's and for the money they
are hard to beat.

There are scopes that I have tried and hated and most have failed at the worst time. so even if
I do have a Leupold fail it will still be less than 1% of the leupold's I have bough. some of the
other scopes have a 100 % fail rate( 3 of these brands failed 2 or 3 times before I got the
message and stopped buying them).

It does not matter what other say about a scope it's what you like that counts.

Buy what you want and be happy.

I've participated in some of the Leupold threads, and I have had my issues with Leupold. I just went through the scope acquisition process myself, and in the end bought a Mark 4 again. It just showed up and I'm looking forward to getting it on a rifle. I don't have an issue with whatever you choose, but I think in the price range you noted the Leupold Mark 4's still make the list.
To answer your question though, I like the Nightforce scopes I've had experience with.
With so many choices it would be nice to have a place where a person could get hands/eyes on all of them.
Good luck with whatever you choose.
Possibly the mark 6 that's coming out will be a great scope. What's the benefit of front focal plane versus the other
I don't know anything about the Mark 6. Another scope I was tempted by was the Premier Light Tactical, but it was a bit big for the rifle I'm scoping at this time. CS Tactical has some short videos worth watching. I bought my Mark 4 from them, I found them as straight forward as advertised. Even referred me to another vendor when he didn't have a model I was looking at. Good input and service.
Several threads that explain the in's and outs of first focal plain vs second better than I.
I have to agree on the Sightron 3's. 850 to 1150 or so depending on the model. The
vortex PST's are the other scopes in the 1000.00 price range that are almost as good in
glass and as tough or tougher. You are really easily able to buy a used nightforce for 1500.00 though. Even some USO scopes sell for close to that price range used.
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