My elk hunting buddies don't carry spotting scopes any more. For about $500 we got a Nikon 900 camera. I don't remember the exact zoom, but I think it's in the 83x range. You can bring a bull at a mile and a half to "up close and personal". We've videoed several elk being shot. You can see the vapor trail and exactly where the elk is hit. We set it up on a little tripod for both hunting and at the range. We've even videoed 1 mile target shots. You can also take pictures of you target at the any distance. I told a good friend, who is one of the best long range shooters I know, about the camera. A couple weeks later he called me and said, "I just had to call you to THANK you for telling me about the Nikon 900!" He said he'd bought one and already used it to video a one mile group three shot group of a 338 Edge that he was tuning up for a client. He said, "Bill, this camera changes everything! It's awesome, and you can take videos and pictures!"