Whether and when to nitride stainless barrel and action.


Active Member
Jun 8, 2018
Anchorage AK
I have a brand new never fired semi-custom rifle , a takedown switch barrel on a Montana action in 338-06 ai, 30-06 ai and 25-06 ai built by a reputable gunsmith. Having owned the gun for 5 months and still not had time to fire it the first time is excruciating but though the pain is exquisite I endure and dream. I previously asked for guidance on reloading Ackley Improved cartridges and received very good advice I am sure but most was based in assumptions that I was more advanced than I am. I need basic education from sources other than the poor schmuck that is next to me at the rifle range. Nobody would want to be that guy, and I won't be the guy to ask questions at the range. I am still choosing a scope, and hope to pull it all together before I either retire or are too inform to shoot.

All of that prelude, to ask about Nitriding. I love the rust resistance of stainless steel and the bead blast finish on this gun is attractive, but shiny white barrel, meets matt black scope is a bit jarring aesthetically, and the hard nitride finish looks very nice. I expect that I would wish to test the gun prior to any further tinkering, and perhaps to break it in prior to a nitride process. Thoughts?

Work keeps getting in the way of shooting and Anchorage Alaska is surprisingly awkward to shoot from, requiring substantial travel to a range with more than a 100 yard backstop. The pipeline is discouraging on firearm possession while working remotely. The pay is good but the free time limited.
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