Where to shoot in AZ?

From PM's, it looks like there is enough interest in both of these places that I will go ahead and post directions to them:

Head north from Phoenix on I-17. A couple of miles past Cordes Junction there is an exit called Dugas Ranch / Orme Road. Dugas Ranch road is to the right (east) and Orme is to the west (left). Take Dugas Ranch road east approx. 6 miles and then look for Forest Road (FR) 86D on your left. Take FR 68D north approx. 4.7 miles and then look for a tank and turn-off to the right (ignore the first tank on your right).

#1) Take the turn-off and go around the tank. There will be a tree and a small hill on your right. This is where you will shoot from. The road continues to run along the fence line for some 600 yds. You can place your targets just off the road and drive to them to check your hits. Beyond the 600 yds., the road turns to the right, but you can get another 200 yds or so by placing your targets on the slight incline. I like this place for two reasons: 1) you can drive to your targets; and 2) the road runs in a SW to NE direction which is usually the same direction as the wind. It's great for developing an initial drop chart for your load.

Note: There is a rancher that has a cattle lease on this piece of public land. We get along OK, but he doesn't like LR shooters because he fears we may hit some of his cattle that we can't see. If we meet, he usually tries to persuade me to shoot in a different direction. When I politely decline, he takes down my truck license number and warns me that I will be charged for any killing of cattle. No confrontation - just matter of fact. He sometimes goes further up the road to check on cattle, place salt, etc., so no shooting "down range" while he is taking care of business up the canyon. (He usually takes his time just to inconvenience us).

#2) If you go past the water tank (heading north on 68D) another approx. 1.5 miles, you will see a turn-off to the left that heads up and over a saddle to the southwest. Take this road and go through the gate at the top. Proceed down the other side and you will see a huge valley running north/south. I usually go about 3/4th's of the way down the mountainside to find a place to shoot. From here you will have great elevation to see your targets. Again, you can place your targets just off the road that meanders down this valley. Distance is right at 1000 yds to the small mesa below. If you want to shoot nearer the top of the saddle, you can stretch out to 1,400 yds. I have never encountered another vehicle on this road. In theory, you could start at the south end and shoot north towards the saddle, but there is a danger in not seeing a vehicle coming up the back side of the mountain. It is better to com in from the north and shoot south. If a vehicle enters from the south, you will see it long before it enters your line of fire.

Final note: Neither spot requires 4 wheel drive, but a high clearance vehicle is advisable. Get out early in the summer months. Although the elevation is 3,500 to 4,000 ft., it still gets warm by 9 AM, with mirages making targets unreadable much after 10 AM.

Hopefully, I will some of you out there sometime. Good Shooting!
azsugarbear, Is this place still good to shoot? Since your post was like back 2005. Plz advise. Thx
Yup. It's getting a little bit more crowded (avoid during hunting seasons), but still a great place to confirm your drop tables and basic flat shooting out to 1000 yds. I have another place I go to once I am "dialed in". Lots of rock busting at different angles, varied distances - all cross-canyon shots.
Been wanting to try my hand at long range shooting for years. Best I could find in the open country was a 2 to 3 hundred yards. I'm going to join CowTown today https://www.cowtownrange.com/. They have steel targets out to 1500 yards.

I've got a 6.5 rifle on the way with a Vortex Viper 6x24 scope. I'm going to make this dream happen.
Been wanting to try my hand at long range shooting for years. Best I could find in the open country was a 2 to 3 hundred yards. I'm going to join CowTown today https://www.cowtownrange.com/. They have steel targets out to 1500 yards.

I've got a 6.5 rifle on the way with a Vortex Viper 6x24 scope. I'm going to make this dream happen.
Don't you have to pay monthly fees to shoot at their range? And they want **** load monthly fees?
There is a yearly fee to belong, but range is 10 mile from my house and I can schedule range when I want. I can bring my own steel and shoot any range out to 200 yards.
I used to go to Belmont mine but it's an hour each way. I think the convenience is worth the fee.
There is a yearly fee to belong, but range is 10 mile from my house and I can schedule range when I want. I can bring my own steel and shoot any range out to 200 yards.
I used to go to Belmont mine but it's an hour each way. I think the convenience is worth the fee.
Hit me up.. I'm looking for partner/spotter as well. Thx
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