Where is Wide Open Country... for Long Range Coyote Shots???

Here in the suburbs around Po'tland, OR, they are brazen in the daylight but shooting them in the open would not be ignored by the DA like the fire bombing infidels downtown.
Every time I see a posting of missing cat or small dog, I want to staple this next to it:

Be aware you still need to wear blaze orange for coyote hunting during deer and elk modern firearm seasons.
Rules are different in every state, though most do require a specific amount.
Some of us have had to clean up the after math of others to stop stock killing also . But every one has to start some place hopefully they will take the time to listen and study so as not to make too many mistakes .
Where is Wide Open Country... for Long Range Coyote Shots???

I know there is a lot of open country out West, but I'm wondering where I can go and hunt with the ability to get consistent shots at coyote that are 400 yds and further? I don't want the scrub brush country where i need to carry a shotgun. I'm only looking for longer than normal shots. I only want to call to them in order to make them shows themselves...NOT... to cause them to run to the call... only to make them show their whiskery faces. Got any ideas?
Lotta coyotes along the Southern boarder of Cali. many of them drive broncos. Lots of good open country/desert shooting opportunities. Watch out for rattle snakes.
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