I've got to hand it to you, and those who can do the professional guiding thing on a daily basis. If everything goes perfect, you are the hero. But a lousy hunter will never go home and tell the truth, they blame the guide for their lack of ability. ( I'm not insinuating anything about anyone here, but only talking of personal experience )
I've been a trapper for pretty much forever, and spend a lot of time in the woods. It doesn't take long to learn the traits and habits of different animals. It didn't take long for people to pick up on my talking about seeing big bucks frequently and nice gobblers and they soon wanted me to take them out.
I've learned a few things from them. Such as it is possible for some people to get lost in a 40 acre wood lot and need help to get out. The safest place to be when hunting with someone for the first time, is right behind them. Staying at least 3" closer to them than the length of their gun. Guys who claim they can put 3 out of 5 deer slugs into a pie plate at 100 yards, can't hit an 11X14 target 1 out of 5 times at 25 yards.
I still guide people on coyotes hunts from time to time. Mostly those I've hunted with before or who have hunted with friends. I still don't like it. The pressure to produce something that just may not be willing to cooperate on a given day, just eats me up. Most guys are understanding, but those few loud ones that don't make me want to scream.
My hat's off to you, you've a great place to work, but I sure couldn't do your job on a daily basis.