When reloading is banned..


Well-Known Member
Aug 10, 2003
NC, oceanfront
What am I gonna do when my reloading bench is put in the same category as a meth lab? When my components constitute an 'arsenal'?
Homeland security and the FBI know what I have(through CC purchases)...
So which completed guns will I let go of, and what becomes of the custom actions, barrel blanks, triggers, stocks, etc?
And the guns built for my son??

I'm feeling pretty uncomfortable about the unchecked powers surrounding me.
Guess it's the chatter, but I wonder if you guys have thought about it?

For me, it's not just investments in a hobby. It's also my delusion of power, and security. Without it??
Well, I might as well turn in my balls, and 'hope' for dignity in demise..
Calm down guys - even in the UK where liberal pandering has been taken to an extreme we are not yet at the point where a bipod is considered a WMD!

You have the benefit of a Bill Of Rights protecting you and that is more than we have ever had! I appreciate that there has been a steady erosion of those rights over the past few years but you are still an eon away from what we have here. Obama has a few other things to worry about before he starts trying to disarm the American public.
Calm down guys - even in the UK where liberal pandering has been taken to an extreme we are not yet at the point where a bipod is considered a WMD!

You have the benefit of a Bill Of Rights protecting you and that is more than we have ever had! I appreciate that there has been a steady erosion of those rights over the past few years but you are still an eon away from what we have here. Obama has a few other things to worry about before he starts trying to disarm the American public.

Being in a better position than the UK is cold comfort...

Obama is trying Obama Pushing Treaty To Ban Reloading
Being in a better position than the UK is cold comfort...

Agree - but it is comfort nonetheless. Even in a state where semi-auto rifles and all handguns are banned and you need a firearms license to buy primers and expanding bullets we have not reached the lunacy of trying to ban reloading.

This is a 'bit' of a stretch though:

First of all, when the treaty purports to ban the "illicit" manufacture of firearms, what does that mean?

1. "Illicit manufacturing" of firearms is defined as "assembly of firearms [or] ammunition ... without a license...."

Hence, reloading ammunition -- or putting together a lawful firearm from a kit -- is clearly "illicit manufacturing."

Actually it is not clearly 'illicit manufacturing' and thinking through the practicalities of policing such a bill would make it unworkable (prohibition in the 1920's jumps to mind) and the impacts on those directly and indirectly involved in the relevant industries - at just such a time when the US needs jobs and economic stimulus....etc; etc.

The GOA is (rightly) trying to kill such rediculous measures before they even get the time of day....but it is a long way from becoming reality.
Sent e-mails to my esteemed MT Senators. I carry little faith in them. It's all I've got until I can vote against them again.

Remember your highschool civics class? Federal treaties trump state and local laws/regulations.

So this treaty would apply to ALL states equally, including Texas. Of course, I'd imigrate to the country of Texas!

"You have the benefit of a Bill Of Rights protecting you and that is more than we have ever had!"

Sadly, our "liberal" masters, political and judicial, consider those "rights" to only be previliges they can sweep aside when and as they wish. So far, they have been correct so our Constitution is a small, tattered comfort now.

When it comes to "common sense" laws I wish politicians and judges had some common sense. Instead they have a burning desire to gain more power and use it to direct our lives. That's "CHANGE they CAN BELIEVE IN."
Ahhh Boomtube - I sense you are a man of 'experienced' years! Having lived for a few years in the US and lucky enough to be married to one of those uncontrollable women folk of yours I can can honestly say that whatever 'liberal' sentiment seeks to debase the foundations of what you believe - the very fact of having a Constitution and Bill of Rights that means something to 'some number' of your countrymen is a country mile ahead of the fragile rights that I enjoy!!

Perhaps I am a romantic but keep battling and believing and I think what the founding fathers intended will remain true...if not...then all is lost and you are in the same 'sorry a**' boat that I am in!!!:D
Sorry about that wild woman. But not much! I have one of my own! A few more months now will make fifty years, not counting the two of dating prior to tying the knot. Great woman actually. No doubt in my mind I would have died long ago without her so some steel strength in your soul mate is not a bad thing.

Yeah, I vagely remember when this country was headed by FDR and yours by Churchill. You got the better of that deal. But the whiners on both sides of the ocean wanted a big daddy instead of freedom so we have both lost a lot. A hard core of us who believe in our history, our Constitution and our recognised RIGHTS as freemen, not serfs with a few privliges that can be easily be taked away, remain here but we are a shrinking minority now.

You perhaps - ok, really - have lost more than we so far. But once a slight majority of a squishy, dependant sheeple begin to sell their votes for "free" benefits from the public treasury it's hardly possible to reverse the trend.

Having dreamy liberals in contol ALWAYS means the public will continue losing more money and more liberty, no matter how sweetly they talk. Happens every where it's tried. Things just ramp down again and again utill the people are under total domination by an all powerful few in DC, or London. (I hear some bad things about your "free medical" system and we have MANY who want to duplicate it here!)

Hang tuff. We're likely going to need to be tuff before long to defend our families from the results of our liberal masters long practice of bowing to our home-grown muslims. (Saying "radical" muslims would be redundant, would it not?)
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If this passes we can kiss our Second Amendment rights goodby from the wording of the treaty, if it passes what will happen to all the firearms manufactures that don't have weapons contracts, dealers that sell to the puplic, ammunition manufactures plus all the companys that supply the arms manufactures plus all the unemployment compensation that will be paid out and all the business that will fail or close up as it will be a domino effect.
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