Whats the longest range you shot?

650 an eight inch plate hit it several times. Will be going long again in a few months when ground dries out. Have a three inch group at 450 but only one so far.
My longest shot so far while hunting have been;

Rem 700 VSF .308 at 450 yds on a nice Antelope buck - one shot kill.

Interarms Mark X .300 Win Mag at 700 yds on a nice sow Bear - one shot kill.

Both were very tasty and the mounts look great on the wall...:cool:
jghoghunter said:
In South Dakota we have confirmed kills at 1760 and 2218 and have pounded the hell out of the mounds at 3200-3500 just have never killed anything.
How do you spot your bullet impacts at this distance?

The longest competition shots for me is a 1500yd F Class match.

At that range he had enough time to jump up and take a leak while watching his trace over his shoulder, then prone out again and watch the dirt puff through the glass :cool: lol.

That's a heckuva range. I wish I had those distances near my house.
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