Whats the best hunt you have been on in your life ?


Well-Known Member
Mar 17, 2003
Madison ,ga
My best hunt ever was in Alaska for two weeks for moose and I didn't even get one but saw 300 moose in two weeks .I called in 6 pairs of bulls that ended up fighting right in front of us but none were 4 brow tined or 50 inches .It was awesome those and we had three grizzlies come at us at dark and had to go back another way .We also saw wolves and the grizzlies hunting moose together and they had the moose in a circle. WE tried to get the bears but they were too far away .We also saw giant caribou that had to me bc but not in season of course .I am telling you their is nothing like two moose coming in to fight you and fighting ten yards from you. I GOT really good calling them with moose antlers rubbing the trees. I called about a 45 inch bull right to the other side of my bronco one foggy moving thsy was awesome .He was like ten feet away .I never forger those hunts ever. I hope to go back again next year. If you ever get a chance go to Alaska it's totally wild abs awesome. I Lived there 12 years and loved it .It makes deer hunting seem silly for what you get .
Every one, each in their own way. Even those where I ended up not filling my tag and ended up just taking my bow or rifle for a walk in the woods. There are few things that surpass the spkendor of watching the sun come up from the top of a ridge or watching it set and coming out in the moonlight after hiking my rear end off all day...
Mine was out on the Alaska Peninsula for caribou. I posted a lot of details about winds up to 105 MPH on the scariest hunt thread. Wild ride in on the plane, but we only had one grizzly in the area. Our hunt was only six days. I lived there at that time also. I look forward to hearing about others best hunts.
I would have to say just this past season.
I have had many great hunts over the years but last year:
Was the first and only day my wife hunted with me. I killed a 31" muley at first light, which she spotted.
In the p.m. I killed a bull elk with an 18" drop tine, which she also spotted. Same day.
It was a good day.
I would have to say just this past season.
I have had many great hunts over the years but last year:
Was the first and only day my wife hunted with me. I killed a 31" muley at first light, which she spotted.
In the p.m. I killed a bull elk with an 18" drop tine, which she also spotted. Same day.
It was a good day.
Can I borrow your wife for my next hunt? You definitely have a winner!
I have had more quality time hunting groundhogs than all of my other hunts combined. I hunt all spring and summer with friends. We hunt every week and only pick the bluebird days. It's kind of like golf. You hunt with your friends as you walk the fields in beautiful weather. You don't have to be quiet; you don't have to sit motionless for hours and there is enough quarry taken each day to keep score.

Outside of that, I really enjoy moose hunting. There is just something special about hunting critters that look like they just walked out of Jurassic Park. :D
Every hunt is good, just being away from my desk in the wilderness hunting and hopefully harvesting something natural for the freezer but at 69 I still remember as clear as day my first hunt with my uncle and his pack of beagles chasing rabbits in a circle, lisening to him talk to his dogs and them talking back, lisening to the rabbits dash through the wood in North Carolina with the dogs hot on their trail until we got a shot. That day we killed about 8 rabbits and when we got home he put a nail in a tree, hooked the back leg of the rabbit to it and skinned one, then gave me the pocket knife he was using and told me to do the rest and went in the house. Still got that knife. BTW- nobody else in my family hunts. Today I make a living in the hunting industry all because one uncle took an interest in a young guy from New Jersey when I was sent down to my grandmothers house in North Carolina when school was out.
The best? After so many decades, I could never chose a "best", for there are so many memorable hunts that had their own set of "bests". If I was forced to pick, it would be several hunts with my son when he was young. Those were great times and even greater memories now in old age.
Been on some great dove and quail (wild birds back in the day )hunts. Great memories of people and dogs. One hunt that stands out though was a turkey hunt a few years back. By myself. It was an all morning affair between me and a gobbler. He finally came in. Had four beards!
To me best would=most memorable. Never gone on a really special hunt, like for moose, sheep or the like. Always just had general season tags. Be hard to pick one lots of them stand out in my mind. Some because of who I was with grandson, son, wife, Dad, mom, grandma, grandfather, good friends and even my horse. Some because of the success, some because hardships, weather, how hard we worked. Some because of the country, there's just something about being 15-20 miles from the nearest road. And I hope to get the chance to create a few more. Best wishes everyone, be safe.
My daughter's first hunts! I missed her first whitetail (military) and mule deer (broken leg) hunts. However, I was there for her first pronghorn and elk. I wish I hadn't missed any, but she didn't deserve to miss those firsts because I couldn't be there. Thankfully I'm blessed with good friends, and her honorary Uncles got the job done for her and I have pictures.

2007 Petersburg AK black bear hunt. It was my first time hunting AK, and managed to shoot a 9 yr old boar with 19.25" skull and probably squared close to 6'. It was an adventure for sure, running around the inside passage in a 16' john boat.
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There has been so many great hunts but there are a few individual moments that stand out from a couple hunts and 1 hunt in particular that was an adventure.

2022 moose hunt;

We drew 2 Cow tags so my brother, 2 best friends and myself start putting the plans together. We own a hunt camp 14 hours north of us that we hunt at every year and where our tag was valid for. We got a call saying our cabin had fallen down from a storm so we scrambled to find a new spot to stay. We ended up purchasing an older outfitters tent, wood stove and decided we would go deeper into the bush and try our hand at camping.


We drove up 2 days before opener and were planning on going down river to a spot we've seen a few times, but with the rain and terrible weather we decided to hunt the back roads and stay off the river seeing as it was our first year using a tent. Opening morning we woke up with the plans of finish setting up camp, getting wood, prepping meals and scouting. While making breakfast and prepping dinner a bull moose had walked into camp 11 yards from us. I'll never forget looking up over my buddies shoulder cleaning fish to see a bull just staring us down.

On day 4 of the hunt a group we've met a few times over the years of hunting this area showed up to worn us about a little storm rolling in and asked if we wanted to come back to down, bunk with them and get a hot shower. Graciously we accepted and that shower never felt better. After a night of cards, a great meal and great hospitality we woke up to over a foot of snow with 100 km/hr winds that rolled through, a lot worse then they had anticipated. We packed up and head back out to hunt and make sure camp was okay.

We rolled up on what we didn't expect! Our main camp was destroyed, wood stove ripped in 2, our trailer flipped over, clothes, bedding, gear spread out everywhere. We were broken, and trying to figure out what to do. The group we stayed with the night before had a couple guys come by to see how it was and they offered for us to spend the remainder of the time with them. We spent the next couple hours cleaning up, packing the trucks and we're going to head to the dump to dispose off all the damaged goods and we weren't sure if we just make the 14 hour trek home or stay with the other group.

As we were rolling out, tails between our legs we came across a clear cut with a bull and 2 cows! We locked up the brakes, put a stalk on. We managed to get within 140 yards and the cows stood there in front of one another for 10 mins. Finally the lead cow decided to break away and on the count of three myself and best friend managed to shoot our first moose each after 15 years of hunting together.

We spent the remainder of the day getting the garbage to the dump, the moose gutted and hung and stayed the remainder of the week with the other group celebrating our success and failures.