What's New in the July 2024 update to QuickLoad?

So they just "wing it" when producing it? No computers involved in making and testing? Just old school lets throw this in the pot, mix it, rinse it, cut it, dry it, and throw some in a case with a bullet, and see what happens?
My money is on fear of proprietary info, being extrapolated from the data that they would need to give QL.
OR, they fear that us neanderthals, will hurt ourselves with the new powders....ie, lawyers got involved.
You are entitled to your opinion, but I do not think they are obligated to support QL, GRT, or something similar, need them to boost their sales, or force anyone to use their products, regardless of company reasons. Yes, you can do load development without QL or GRT, just like most of us do.
You are entitled to your opinion, but I do not think they are obligated to support QL, GRT, or something similar, need them to boost their sales, or force anyone to use their products, regardless of company reasons. Yes, you can do load development without QL or GRT, just like most of us do.
No they don't have to. I reloaded for 25 years just fine before I "discovered" QL. It sure is fun to play with barrel length and powder changes that affect burn %.
But yes, they prob are losing sales to other powders that are listed in QL.
Here is my prob with bullet and powder manufacturer data in books and on the web. Most published data is obtained from the longest barrels, which skews data to slower powders.
One of my favorite examples is data for the 357Mag.
357 data from an 8" "pressure barrel" with out a cylinder gap, is practically worthless except from a pressure standpoint. Ever shot a max load of H110/W296 in a 4" revolver? You'll end up temp. deaf, blind, with powder burns on your hands and a bullet that may be a whole 50 fps faster. But it will impress your friends at sunset!
No they don't have to. I reloaded for 25 years just fine before I "discovered" QL. It sure is fun to play with barrel length and powder changes that affect burn %.
But yes, they prob are losing sales to other powders that are listed in QL.
Here is my prob with bullet and powder manufacturer data in books and on the web. Most published data is obtained from the longest barrels, which skews data to slower powders.
One of my favorite examples is data for the 357Mag.
357 data from an 8" "pressure barrel" with out a cylinder gap, is practically worthless except from a pressure standpoint. Ever shot a max load of H110/W296 in a 4" revolver? You'll end up temp. deaf, blind, with powder burns on your hands and a bullet that may be a whole 50 fps faster. But it will impress your friends at sunset!
You can always express whatever issue you have directly to the manufacturers, as they are the only ones who can resolve it. Data from reloading books/sites is simply a guide to establish a safe baseline and YMMV, as with anything else. What one does with those baselines is another story. Complaining here does not resolve anything.
You can always express whatever issue you have directly to the manufacturers, as they are the only ones who can resolve it. Data from reloading books/sites is simply a guide to establish a safe baseline and YMMV, as with anything else. What one does with those baselines is another story. Complaining here does not resolve anything.
I am not complaining. I just listed what was new in this update and look at what it has devolved into. Others complained about what is not in it. Then YOU chimed in.
I am not complaining. I just listed what was new in this update and look at what it has devolved into. Others complained about what is not in it. Then YOU chimed in.
I responded to @just_jon's post in #12 about the Grand, as I have the information directly from the source. Then you chimed into my response in #13 with a direct quote, and in #16, you noted ...
Here is my prob with bullet and powder manufacturer data in books and on the web. Most published data is obtained from the longest barrels, which skews data to slower powders.
Like it or not, as I stated,
You can always express whatever issue you have directly to the manufacturers, as they are the only ones who can resolve it. Data from reloading books/sites is simply a guide to establish a safe baseline and YMMV, as with anything else. What one does with those baselines is another story. Complaining here does not resolve anything.
If you are not complaining, then move on.
I responded to @just_jon's post in #12 about the Grand, as I have the information directly from the source. Then you chimed into my response in #13 with a direct quote, and in #16, you noted ...

Like it or not, as I stated,

If you are not complaining, then move on.
Ok you can have the last word.
BTW, I started this thread and have been the only one to add any pertinent info to it. You know, what is actually in the new QL update. So kindly STFU, take your nose and go stick it where someone cares.
BTW, I started this thread and have been the only one to add any pertinent info to it. You know, what is actually in the new QL update. So kindly STFU, take your nose and go stick it where someone cares.
LOL! Way to resort to this when you do not like the fact provided directly from the source.
Your source said ZERO about what is in the latest QL update. Maybe you should go back to school again. Maybe some will stick this time around.
Your source said ZERO about what is in the latest QL update. Maybe you should go back to school again. Maybe some will stick this time around.
You seem to have an issue comprehending my initial response despite its simplicity and directness from the source, which is why Grand is not in the QL update. So now you want to compare your educational level? Yes, I am still at school/continuing my studies. What do you have?

By the way, it does not matter if you started the thread; this is a public forum, and you do not own it to tell people off. Why can't we have a civil discussion instead? Is that too hard for you to comprehend and respect others' opinions? We are all invited into @Len Backus' living room and must abide by his rules.
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Your source said ZERO about what is in the latest QL update. Maybe you should go back to school again. Maybe some will stick this time ar

You seem to have an issue comprehending my initial response despite its simplicity and directness from the source, which is why Grand is not in the QL update. So now you want to compare your educational level? Yes, I am still at school/continuing my studies. What do you have?

By the way, it does not matter if you started the thread; this is a public forum, and you do not own it to tell people off. Why can't we have a civil discussion instead? Is that too hard for you to comprehend and respect others' opinions? We are all invited into @Len Backus' living room and must abide by his rules. It was about what is in it. Which I posted.
It was about what IS in the latest update. Why Grand is or is not in it is not really relevant.
And as far as what I have, is friends in the Pentagon, a lifetime of monthly payments that started at the age of 43, that are buying my land, a VA disability rating, health care for life, time living abroad, and membership in the VFW. You don't read signatures do you?
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