I really didn't know where to put this thread so I put it here. What I'd like to know is what everyone is using for a front and back rest on the bench rest when they are shooting their guns. I have just been using sandbags and the small Y shaped sandbags on top of bags. The problem I have using this method is I'm trying to work up reloads and after I shoot I have to re adjust everytime to try and shoot or I should say aim at the exact same spot. I was looking at a front rest that could be adjusted up or down and had like a padded yolk to cradle the gun. Another I saw that is brand new from Cabelas is called their premium rest. It is basically a cradle for your gun to rest in. Its steel and looks well built you can adjust both front and back up and down. Has anyone used this before and how did they like it. I am trying to find something that will assure me the same aiming pt as the last shot. Or can I just go with the front adjustable Y yolk rest with a few sandback in the back and get the same as the premier rest. I don't want a lead sled or anything with the same principal. I don't think you get the practice using them. I hope this isn't to confusing but try and wade throught this and give some input if you have any ideas. Thanks for reading.