We modified this HendersonConsidering upgrading to an electric brass trimmer and I am curious as to what everyone uses. There seems to be a wide variety of options ranging from $150 - $1,000+.
I am considering something like the Lyman Brass Smith Case Trim Xpress (https://www.lymanproducts.com/brands/lyman/case-trimmers-accessories/brass-smith-case-trim-xpresstm).
I just don't know if it is worth upgrading to like a Giraud at that point? (https://www.giraudtool.com/giraud-power-trimmer.html). I do like that this one automatically chamfers and deburs - helps make sure everything is consistent
I have heard good things about the Henderson - but I do not shoot NEARLY enough to be spending $1,000+ on a trimmer.
Trimming Brass
What is everyones favorite brass trimmer for cartridges that aren't your standard .270 or .300 win mag? I am in the process of building a 7 Sherman Short for a lightweight elk rifle and also a 6gt for a competition rifle. I have looked into the worlds finest trimmer as i have heard great things...