What to use? long range build

I have found a very good smith (Stewart rifles, recommended by surgeon themselves).
I have decided on a surgeon action and bottom metal, Krieger barrel, McMillan a3 adjustable stock, Jewell trigger, and maybe the new night force atacr or beast.
Thank you all very much for your help
I've got Matt lined up to put together a rifle for me too. I've got all the parts, just waiting on a stock. I'll be using a Surgeon action as well. Not sure how I want the have the bolt treated. I'll need to figure that out by the time Matt has the parts and is ready to go to work on it.
I'm new to the board. Last year I had a new gun built by Kelbly. I had a 7 mm wsm with a Brux barrel, kelbly action, Jewel trigger, and Carlson stock. I put on a March 2.5x25 tactical scope and then the fun started. I had a friend teach me to reload and I became a mad scientist working up loads and varying all variables to find the best load for my gun. It has been a great hobby and my garage now looks like reloading central. I use my gun for hunting but love to shoot rocks and targets at long distances. The rifle is as good as I could have hoped for. Hope to post a pic of the gun and a 3 shot group I shot a couple days ago from 1236 yards. I just giggle when I can range, use my ballistics program, dial the scope in MOA and then settle in and watch the bullet hit real close. Good luck on your gun, it is addictive stuff.


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I'm definitely no expert, as I am in the same position as you- I'm acquiring parts for a build right now. As far as an action though, if you are wanting the best stuff - I'd look into a custom action (if you don't already have rem 700 for the project). I'm starting new (don't have a LA Rem laying around) and have heard from many on this site to look into custom actions. Your cost isn't too far off once you figure truing costs and adding other bells and whistles to the action. Just depends on how much a guy wants to spend!

I've found a Stiller Predator LA w/ 20 MOA rail for $900. It's a little more money than I want to spend, but in speaking with the gunsmith I've decided on, (Lane Precision Rifles) he'd prefer a Stiller over a 700 any day. There are some great shooting rifles built off of 700's, but just thought I'd throw it out there.

So far for me, I'm going with a 6.5 Sherman built with:
- Stiller Predator LA
- Manners T2A in Elite GAP
- Bartlein barrel
- Timney trigger

Dallas builds a great rifle. Mine is on a Stiller TAC300
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