What process for new brass…

So I have a batch of new adg 6.5prc brass. They recommend sizing it and even though their packaging is good the necks have a few dings in them.
So I have a set of hornaday match grade dies and a Lee collet die. What would you guys recommend?
Thanks for any help
size it, shoot it to form to chamber, check length and trim if necessary, then use lee collet dies
I know it's a lot to consider and can get expensive and a lot of us cannot afford to buy every item we want but this is called a rabbit hole for a reason, it gets kinda deep!
My brother bought a tool that measured bullet seating pressure and was amazed at the different readings he got from different makes of brass.
As expected Lapua brass was more consistant than Hornady brass by a long shot but a Mandrel made a huge difference in seating pressure and at the range! His groups showed a big difference.
I always get a chuckle when forum members mention the rabbit hole. 🐇 It has no known bottom. And it's very dark and expensive. The only way out, is up.