what is your scope brand and model and why


in 408


Horneber case ( the original case made in Germany ) are very good in quality and equal RWS

new maker in USA ? unknow and too young company is brass making to have blind trust in it


some maker can produce good bullet in 408 because they make good bullet in 50 just need to order them as Zero , macMurdo , GS custom , Groove bullet

actual problem on 408 is the very strange relation between LRB/CheyTEC / and the customer they claim performances but seem not able to show lot of thing and If you check Horneber 408 case production that very strange to see that production run date is not very earlier in the project so what they have use to make full and serious dev of their caliber and if they have really make serious dev Why they have no discover the effect of nickel alloy on barrel groove and why stample target wear " bullet in bronze bearing !! " that just an exemple

408 is perhaps a good caliber but need to finish dev and trials before and this fact is unacceptable to a company as LRB when a company sale something on the market with lot of noise and adds that not to the customer to home made finish engineering work .

good shooting

DANTEC, first off lets keep this civil. You obviously dont know me or anything about me. Your current tone is not nedded I am certainly not in anyones corner. I just settled a law suit with USO and my only obligation to anyone is to always tell the truth as I see it. I did learn its best to air difference in private not on public forums.

It sounds like John Williams Sr decided not to do business with a French Co? While thats not the stance I have taken it is a stance other US Companies have. Frankly I only do business with one French Company and if I did not know what a great bunch they where I probably would have not dealt with French Co's either. Thats just a reaction right or wrong by many in the USA after 9-11 and the lack of French support since. If you missed it it was a huge movement here not to use anything French or do business with the French. We buried a bunch from 9-11 and many more after. My personal list of friends is shorter because of the conflict and any preaching or calling the US names sits like a bull with a burr to most of us. Enough said.

As to JBWIII, that is John Williams Jr., most that know him like him, including me. I have found him to be honorable and straightforward. He has recently taken a bigger part in the company and thats a plus in my book. It is still owned by John Williams Sr.

As to EDM, they make the 408 Version under contract for another company. EDM also makes 338 and 50 cal rifles for their own sales. The 408 is property of the other company. EDM makes rifles better than you or I can shoot, so I say leave that alone.

As to the 408 being an accurate round or not. My experience being only 22 years as a sniper and comp in high power matches tells me it will shoot just fine, if the rifles are good, I do my part and the loads are right.
I have to say if you saw USO two years ago you dont know what the company looks like now. They expanded in a huge way with many more machines. I have been there many times the facilities are pretty darn ggod.

Why I have no idea of what problems you have had with USO, I will say I had some but have worked them out. JBWIII and USO are working hard on the problems and bringing out some good products and work for all of us.

On the SN9 and EDM. I will bet I have as much or more experience with that scope as anyone on the planet and I like it

As to the EDM, my only complaint is I dont have one anymore. I sold my 338 Lapua EDM because I was going to get a 408 but never followed through. The 50 EDM's I have shot, where very well made and neither I nor the SF folks that tested it as the XM107 could find any fault. I certainly prefer it to any Barrett ever made. I wrote an article on the Barrett for SOF before shooting the EDM and wished I had shot the EDM first before that was published. It was that much better than the Barrett!

to be clear I am NOT THE FRENCH GOVERNMENT and NOT a worker or an employee of french governement make me trouble as DR WIlliams is first
far too easy
closely the same to say that all US citizen are pro ban gun just because your last President have make pro ban gun law !

that just seely , a country is strong by his economy power and if USA sale more USA became more strong , for your information I was is USA just 2 week after the 11 September and I have lot of respect for the victims of the 11 September .

I work with plenty of US company since several year andfar beforethe sad day of 11 septmeber and I have get any problem with these company after the 11 september or ven eafter the IRAK war except with the USO company strange isn it .

On the subject on USO that a bit to easy to make trouble to customers , to don t respect his world and to let the mangement of the company to his son , far too easy way to escape problems .

on the 408 Cheyenne you write that a good cartridge OK that your opignion so where and when I will can see with my eyes a factory demo of 408 Cheyenne accuracy potential
that a very simple question where and when ?

Have you too data on barrel life accuracy with LRB nickel alloy bullet ?

last point I own a small engineering company and I surely never accept to put or let put my company name on a unproven product even if I produce this stuff for subcontracting product .

Good shooting


[ 01-01-2004: Message edited by: DANTEC ]
Dantec, EDM is a small company that made the rifles under contract. I have a small sling company and I make slings under contract for different rifle companies. EDM builds the rifle to spec like most manufacturing companies. They only hold responsibilty for their work and their work is fantastic. My slings are often on competitors rifles. Should I be held responsible for how the caliber shoots?

The 408 is a bullet, cartrige and powder. No great mystery there. Load it right and it will shoot.

Throat errosion wear are all directly related to amount of powder burnt over a specific time and effected by bore dialmeter. The rifiling wear is effected by the bullet materials. Time will only tell on this but I would bet its better bbl life than a 50BMG.

This is not a fight. I have no dog in here.
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