Our military and LE have nothing to do with stupid decisions made by politicians and put their lives on the line every day. AMEN[/QUOTE said:
Amen, eventually everybody has to decide. The "Molon Labe" (come get them) quote is making the rounds, sounds cool, but who do you think is going to come. It will be our friends and families, not *** politicians. I've had this conversation with young guys in my circle of friends in and out of LE, think it through, less fist pumping, some words are like bullets, and can't be called back. One of the responsibilities of old guys (a lot of those here) is getting in front of the young guys, and pulling the reins gently back, or turning 'em in a circle until the adrenaline, and testosterone are at manageable levels. My work family has had a tough few months. One son dead in Afghanistan, one LE husband shot here on the streets of Spokane, a grandparents murder suicide over health issues. Mental health issues affect somebody you know-they are rightfully frightened when taking the guns don't work the kids that are a little odd will take the hit. Look at the proposals, the least of us are being threatened do we let them take the hit this time, or do we step up for everyones rights. Sons and grandsons being medicated because they act like boys. Will you be able to pass on this tradition or do these kids become ineligible? At one point 95% of the time this is happening with out a qualified person performing an adequate evaluation. Chemical castration basically. Point being there are a ton of ways to battle that don't involve strapping an AR to your back, and parading through the mall just to prove you have a that right. There are enough dirt balls out there to deal with my, partner and I ran one out the neighbors back yard, and the neighborhood without escalating to firearms. Don't let this degenerate to the level "of just following orders" and "cold dead fingers".
If you get a chance the NRA "Life of Duty" this months feature is "Catch and release", I know the folks involved, and the show promises to be insightful.