What happened to .22 ammo?

CVCOBRA1, I don't appreciate your calling me unwise, especially since you don't know me nor all the facts about my post. I do have a supply of 22 ammo, among others. I also have a new rifle, that after waiting many, many months to shoot, and after trying many different 22s, it happened to like one that I did not have in ample supply. I will go to another brand that the rifle likes (and is just about as good) til the suppliers resume production and I can get the better one.

I read his post in response to your question. He gave you wise advice. He did not call you "unwise". I really don't like it when people stick words into other people's mouths. That's not a fair way to treat anyone.
When I test match ammo for a .22LR I always go all out & test as many ammo's as I can & that way I know all of my options if one brand is out of stock or becomes to expensive.
Out of these tests I currently have 3 of these brands in my safe as they are pretty close or at least acceptable

Ammo selection.jpg



Also seeing as SK is made in Germany at the Lapua factory your subject to outside forces for supply.

Try good old CCI's, they shoot well in just about any rifle.

Good luck.
huntsman22: I assume you have already tested Norma Target 1100 fps or you wouldn't have bought so much. So How does it shoot for you?

By the way, I recognize your moniker from RimfireCentral. Love your hunting pics there.
You didn't call him unwise Jesus Christ people get their panties in a bunch over nothing.
Mr. Pendleton: I don't know you and you don't know me but I find your use of my saviors name in post #11 to be quite offensive. And no, I most certainly am not a democrat and I don't wear panties but I will politely ask that you clean up your potty mouth. That kind of language has zero benefit to any conversation and certainly does not belong on this fine forum. Posted with pride, MTGEEZER
Don't worry cvcobra1 I need 22 ammo too you can poke at me and I don't have thin skin ....LOL :p

Seriously me too, have 20000 rnds but no SK or Eley. Was planning on a big buy of it when the China Rona hit. Had to buy this then that, and didn't do it time before the spike. Just saw some flat nose target Eley for under 7 bucks for 50...
hardware store had some more....

to toss in the miscellaneous storage stash....

Your lucky your laws are so "flexible" there.

Here all your purchases are recorded & the amount of ammo & powder you can have is restricted to a certain amount, as is the number of firearms you can own & how you store them.

This will catch up with you guys eventually!

But still regardless of any current requirements I wouldnt be boasting about any stash I had :rolleyes:
I'm called a hoarder but consider myself a pepper, I buy a case every pay period except now that prices include a testicle and a limb. Try Champion Choice they have some in stock. Some people aren't willing to pay for premium bullets .
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